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"Don't you know you are never to mention that name?" "I know I love Harry, and I didn't love Hugh," says the sturdy little rebel. "And if cousin Harry is in prison, I'll give him my half-guinea that my godpapa gave me, and anything I have yes, anything, except except my little horse and my silver waistcoat and and Snowball and Sweetlips at home and and, yes, my custard after dinner."

"Hark to Musical! hark to Sweetlips! Down the stream? No! the old girl has it; right up the bank!" "How do, Doctor? How do, Major Campbell? Forward! Forward! Forward!" shouts Trebooze, glad to escape a longer parley, as with his spear in his left hand, he clutches at the overhanging boughs with his right, and swings himself up, with Peter, the huntsman, after him. Tom follows him; and why?

August 6, 1768, we learn that "Lady" has four puppies, which are to be called "Vulcan," "Searcher," "Rover," and "Sweetlips." Like all dog owners he had other troubles with his pets. Once we find him anointing all the hounds that had the mange "with Hogs Lard & Brimstone." Again his pack is menaced by a suspected mad dog, which he shoots.

Hey, Sweetlips, here hussy, d n the tuoad, dos't n't know thy old measter? Ey, ey, thou may'st smell till Christmas, I'll be bound to be hanged, knight, if the creature's nose an't foundered by the d d stinking perfumes you have got among you."

Might I trouble you, as my predecessor Abou Hassan did Sweetlips, to bite my little finger?" "Do you mean to say you have not seen the 'Auzeiger?" she returned, taking a small German printed sheet from the table and pointing to a paragraph. Paul took the paper.

Hey, Sweetlips, here hussy, d n the tuoad, dos't n't know thy old measter? Ey, ey, thou may'st smell till Christmas, I'll be bound to be hanged, knight, if the creature's nose an't foundered by the d d stinking perfumes you have got among you."

You shall beat my face, and tear my hair, and pluck my beard up by the roots, and welcome, for the sake of your bright eyes. Strike again, mistress. Do. Ha ha ha! I like it. 'Let me go, she cried, endeavouring with both her hands to push him off. 'Let me go this moment. 'You had as good be kinder to me, Sweetlips, said Hugh. 'You had, indeed. Come. Tell me now. Why are you always so proud?

While still hesitating how to begin the conversation, he came up with the young girl, dismounted, and, leading his horse, walked by her side, asking carelessly: "What have you bagged, Cap?" "Some partridges! Oh, you should have been out with me and Sweetlips! We've had such sport! But, anyhow, you shall enjoy your share of the spoils!

"Hillo! Mr. Trebooze!" says the old fellow, looking up. "Here it is!" "Spraint? Spraint? Spraint? Where? Eh what?" cries Trebooze. "No; but what's as good: here on this alder stump, not an hour old. I thought they beauties starns weren't flemishing for nowt." "Here! Here! Here! Here! Musical, Musical! Sweetlips! Get out of the way!" and Trebooze runs down.