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Peter lifts his hand to his mouth, to signify the habit of drinking; and then shakes it in a melancholy fashion, to signify that the said habit has reached a lamentable and desperate point. Tom looks back. Trebooze has pulled up, and is walking, wiping still at his face. The hounds have overrun the scent, and are back again, flemishing about the plashed fence on the river brink.

Another short interval elapsed; and then, being down in the waist, right under the break of the poop, the quarter-master having set me to work flemishing down the slack ends of some of the sheets that he did not think were tidily arranged, I heard the signalman mumble some exclamation or other which he could not get out properly from his excitement.

On looking about for the new hands, to judge of them by the way they went about their work, he observed that the two last who had joined were flemishing the ropes down man-of-war fashion, as were two of the others; but the rest, those supplied by Mr Jobson, were evidently lubberly fellows, who scarcely know the stem from the stern of the ship.

"Hillo! Mr. Trebooze!" says the old fellow, looking up. "Here it is!" "Spraint? Spraint? Spraint? Where? Eh what?" cries Trebooze. "No; but what's as good: here on this alder stump, not an hour old. I thought they beauties starns weren't flemishing for nowt." "Here! Here! Here! Here! Musical, Musical! Sweetlips! Get out of the way!" and Trebooze runs down.