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Dulcie, with the sharpness of her little face, divested of all its counterbalancing roundness a keen, worn little face since the day it had smiled so confusedly but generously out of the scurvy silk in the church at Redwater was a sweet-looking woman under her care-laden air.

Opposite to me sat a very sweet-looking lady, who must have been a great beauty in her youth, I should think, and would be charming in old age, from the sweetness of her countenance.

When Jennie came out he commented on the fact that Vesta had arrived. "Rather sweet-looking child," he said. "Do you have much trouble in making her mind?" "Not much," she returned. Jennie went on to the dining-room, and Lester overheard a scrap of their conversation. "Who are he?" asked Vesta. "Sh! That's your Uncle Lester. Didn't I tell you you mustn't talk?" "Are he your uncle?" "No, dear.

"Miss Vancourt ain't been to church once till now," said Adam, "An' she's only comin' now to show it to her friends. I doesn't want to think 'ard of her, for she's a sweet-looking little lady an' a kind one an' my Ipsie just worships 'er, an' what my baby likes I'm bound to like too but I do 'ope she ain't a 'eathen, an' that once comin' to church means comin' again, an' reg'lar ever arterwards.

Opposite to me sat a very sweet-looking lady, who must have been a great beauty in her youth, I should think, and would be charming in old age, from the sweetness of her countenance.

They sit at our table, and Wally is the boy, younger than I am, but very pleasant. Bacon is the fellow in knickerbockers; just wish you could see what stout legs he's got! Cox is the chap for me, though: we are going fishing to-morrow. He's got a sweet-looking mother, and a sister for you, Jill. Now, then, do come on, I'll take the traps."

"Nellie," a sweet-looking lady with a brunette's face, which retained much of the beauty of youth, although she had now attained to middle age, was as hearty as her husband in her greeting. "So glad to see you you are just in time for dinner; for a wonder Lewis is punctual today." She shook hands with Cardo, and placed a chair for him at the well-filled table.

I must say, that she's quite a sweet-looking woman; but absolutely nothing's known of her here except that she divorced her husband. How does one find out about people? Miltoun's being so extraordinarily strait-laced makes it all the more awkward. The earnestness of this rising generation is most remarkable. I don't remember taking such a serious view of life in my youth."

A few months ago the same figure appeared again, but quite clearly this time, and involuntarily, as I looked at it, I exclaimed: "Why, of course, it is Lily Blake!" Now it is nearly thirty years since I met this charming child; during my first visit to Egypt. Lily was a sweet-looking, delicate girl, with soft, sleepy blue eyes, and was always dressed in a simple, artistic fashion.

Hurrah for the red-head; touch her, and she goes off like a brimstone match!” said Marcus, triumphantly, for he was tired of having all the crossness on his own side. “Hatty’s hair isn’t red,” said Meg, angrily. “I heard a lady say, the other day, it was beautiful auburn hair; and she said Hatty was sweet-looking and good, and that is more than anybody will say of you.” “Bad boy! bad boy!