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On the present occasion, he had even resorted to an extraordinary, and, what one less devout might be tempted to think, a supererogatory offering of thanksgiving and praise.

"It might have come to a metallic ornamentation of the ankle, and some amiable 444, who has murdered his grandmother with a red-hot poker and extenuating circumstances, for your companion," murmured Valentine. "I wouldn't try it on with that supererogatory king again on this side of the Channel, if I were you."

Well, I wrote to you yesterday, to beg you to be patient and considerate. But you are always given to surprise me with abundant kindness with supererogatory kindness. I believe in that, certainly. I am very very glad that you think me stronger and more perspicuous. For the perspicuity, I have struggled hard.... Your affectionate and grateful ELZBETH. To Mr.

She threw them a glance of disdain, as Beauvayse, his seraphic face agrin, screwed in his supererogatory eyeglass, and lounged over the table. "You artless babes! Did you suppose I should be likely to swallow such a feuille de chou without even oil and vinegar? For pity's sake, leave off winking, Bingo!

It had now become supererogatory to ask for Alexander's word of honour whether he had, ever heard of Cardinal Allan's pamphlet, or whether his master contemplated hostilities against Queen Elizabeth. Never, since England was England, had such a sight been seen as now revealed itself in those narrow straits between Dover and Calais.

The same moon that had lent such supererogatory grace to the natural beauty of The Lookout, here seemed to have failed; as Minty had, in disguising the relentless limitations of Nature or the cruel bonds of custom.

"Haven't you made me uncomfortable enough by this untimely intrusion?" Harleston muttered sleepily. "What is your idea in not offering any opposition?" Crenshaw demanded. "Is it a plant?" "It was courtesy at first, and the novelty of the experience; but it's ceased to be novel, and courtesy is a bit supererogatory. By the way, which of you came up the fire-escape?" The three shook their heads.

Without assuming the supererogatory task of entering into a discussion of the comparative merits of national courtesy, Duncan cheerfully assented to supply the place of the veteran in the approaching interview.

"I wish I could fairly get you to exercise your excellent reason on this matter, Dick," he said, after the pause; "then I should be certain of having secured you on the side of liberty." Admiral Bluewater merely shook his head, but he continued silent, as if he deemed discussion altogether supererogatory.

To search for knowledge when one is in possession of one's object is supererogatory. The sun which points out to us the way we should go, has appeared; the night of error and of ignorance is brought to nothing. With a loud voice he then recited the prayer of Friday, which is to replace the daily prayer when the Imām appears.