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He shook his head. "Neither do I. I want to go to Beta and be a sunstone digger's wife." "And a Fuzzyologist." "And a Fuzzyologist. I couldn't drop that now. Gerd, we're only beginning with them. We know next to nothing about their psychology." He nodded seriously. "You know, they may turn out to be even wiser than we are." She laughed. "Oh, Gerd! Let's don't get too excited about them.

He loved the red gold of the sunstone, and the moonstone's pearly whiteness, and the broken rainbow of the milky opal. He procured from Amsterdam three emeralds of extraordinary size and richness of colour, and had a turquoise de la vieille roche that was the envy of all the connoisseurs. He discovered wonderful stories, also, about jewels.

Kellogg killed some pet belonging to old Jack Holloway, the sunstone digger, and in the ensuing unpleasantness Holloway can be very unpleasant, if he feels he has to this man Borch, who seems to have been Kellogg's bodyguard, made the suicidal error of trying to draw a gun on Holloway. I'm surprised at Lieutenant Lunt for letting either of those charges get past hearing court. Mr.

Getting his gloves off, he drew out the little leather bag from under his shirt, loosening the drawstrings by which it hung around his neck. There were a dozen and a half stones inside, all bright as live coals. He looked at them for a moment, and dropped the new sunstone in among them, chuckling happily.

Victor Grego, listening to his own recorded voice, rubbed the sunstone on his left finger with the heel of his right palm and watched it brighten. There was, he noticed, a boastful ring to his voice not the suave, unemphatic tone considered proper on a message-tape.

Flanking it were two great moonstones of lesser size, whose glowing, beside the glory of the sunstone, was like the silvery sheen of moonlight. And then on either side, linked by golden clasps of exquisite shape, was a line of flaming jewels, of which the colours seemed to glow. Each of these stones seemed to hold a living star, which twinkled in every phase of changing light.

They take a very round stone, called a vat loa or sunstone, wind red braid about it, and stick it with owls' feathers to represent rays, singing the proper spell in a low voice. Then they hang it on some high tree, such as a banyan or a casuarina, in a sacred place.

On the fifteenth chunk, he got an interruption pattern that told him that a sunstone or something, probably something was inside. As these died, they had sunk into the sea-bottom ooze; sand had covered the ooze and pressed it tighter and tighter, until it had become glassy flint, and the entombed jellyfish little beans of dense stone.

"That's a pity," Ben Rainsford said. "It's a good question." "It would be if it could be answered." "Maybe it can be," Gerd said. "There's a clue to it, right there. I'll say that those fellows are on the edge of sapience, and it's an even-money bet which side." "I'll bet every sunstone in my bag they're over." "Well, maybe they're just slightly sapient," Jimenez suggested.

It was a lovely sunstone, and it meant such a lovely thing. And we're getting married with a ready-made family, too. Four Fuzzies and a black-and-white kitten. "You're sure you really want to go to Beta?" Gerd asked. "When Napier gets this new government organized, it'll be taking over Science Center. We could both get our old jobs back. Maybe something better." "You don't want to go back?"