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So tightly were they buckled that they were like slightly flexible plaster casts. They took the stresses and pressures which hitherto had been borne by my wrists, and they were so tight that there was no room for the inflammation to rise in the sprains. And in this fashion I continued to learn to be an electrician.

They are under stresses now as harsh at least as the stresses of France. And, compared with the French, the Germans are untempered steel.

She felt better for awhile but wore down again after another stressful year. Her abdominal pains gradually returned though this time she noticed they were closely associated with her stresses. About one year after ending her first fast, as soon as she could arrange to take time off, she began another.

Work which has been formed with any tool must always be heated to the softening point afterward before allowing it to cool in order to remove the stresses caused by the contact of the tool with the hot glass.

It is indeed a very subtle pleasure to perceive the effect of lines which are unmetrical superficially but which yet confine themselves to a fixed structure below, by varying the stresses and compensating for them. It is possible, though I do not think it very likely, that poetry may develop largely in this direction.

Next thing is to connect the span." "Huh?" ejaculated McGraw. "Ain't goin' t' tackle that, Mr. Blake, 'fore reinforcin' bottom-chords?" "What! Wait for auxiliary bracing to come on from the mills? Not on your life! Once connected, she'll be unbreakable all strains and stresses will be so altered as to give a wide margin of safety, spite of that damned skunk!" "Huh?" queried McGraw.

The old has been rigid so long, the new is so insistent that the conflict between them fills an age with its clamour, stresses souls to its travail, breaks down ancient forms without immediately building up their equivalent, and contributes uncertainties and restlessnesses everywhere in evidence. Now this is exactly what has been happening in the region of religion in the last thirty years.

After the ship had come to a standstill in her new position very heavy pressure was set up. Some of the trenails were started and beams buckled slightly under the terrific stresses. But the 'Endurance' had been built to withstand the attacks of the ice, and she lifted bravely as the floes drove beneath her. The effects of the pressure around us were awe-inspiring.

He had had a trip to Holland a trip that was as much a flight from Cissie's reproaches as a mission of inquiry. He had intended to go on into Belgium, where he had already been doing useful relief work under Mr. Hoover, but the confusion of his own feelings had checked him and brought him back. Mr. Direck's mind was in a perplexity only too common during the stresses of that tragic year.

To meet the weight of the gun, as well as the strains and stresses incidental to firing, the chassis was strengthened, especially over the rear axle near which the mounting is placed. This "Archibald" is totally unprotected. The gun is mounted centrally upon the carriage over the rear axle, and occupies the centre of the deck between the driver's seat and that of the gun crew behind.