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'But you'd sooner have Mr Belton, our own cousin, about the place, than Mr Stovey. 'I don't know. We shall see. The thing is done now, and there is no use in complaining. I must say he hasn't shown a great deal of delicacy. On that afternoon Belton asked Clara to go out with him, and walk round the place.

I've been talking to Stovey, and that's just what he means. 'Nobody here has got money to put stock on the land, said the squire, angrily. 'Then you should look for somebody somewhere else. That's all.

Farmer Stovey, of the Grange, was the first man of that class who had ever assumed the right to pasture his sheep in Belton chase as the people around were still accustomed to call the woodlands of the estate. It was full summer at Belton, and four months had now passed since the dreadful tidings had reached the castle.

He hasn't got means to stock it, and then see the wages that hay-making runs away with! He'd lose by it even at what he's paying, and he knows it. There won't be any difficulty about Stovey. By twelve o'clock on that day Mr Stovey had been brought into the house, and had resigned the land.

'But you mustn't offend my father, even though it should do good, she said. 'I understand, he answered. 'I won't tread on his toes. Where do you get your milk and butter? 'We buy them. 'From Stovey, I suppose. 'Yes; from Mr Stovey. It goes against the rent. 'And it ought to go against the grain too living in the country and paying for milk! I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll give you a cow.

I suppose he will bring his things into the parlour next. 'I rather like it, papa. 'Do you? I can only say that you're lucky in your tastes. I don't like it, I can tell you. 'Mr Stovey is out there. Shall I ask him to have the things moved farther off? 'No, my dear no. I must bear it, as I do all the rest of it. What does it matter? There'll be an end of it soon.

He has had to let the park to Mr Stovey, and he doesn't like talking about it. 'But if it isn't talked about, how can it be mended? 'It can't be mended. 'We'll see about that. But I'll be kind to him; you see if I ain't. And I'll tell you what, I'll be kind to you too, if you'll let me. You have got no brother now.

The man had only been in his house one night, and was proposing to take all his troubles off his hands. He did not relish the proposition at all. He did not like to be accused of not doing as well for himself as others could do for him. He did not wish to make any change although he remembered at the moment his anger with Farmer Stovey respecting the haycarts.

He did not desire that the heir should have any immediate interest in the place. But he was not strong enough to meet the proposition with a direct negative. 'I couldn't get rid of Stovey in that way, he said, plaintively. I've settled it all with Stovey already, said Belton. 'He'll be glad enough to walk off with a twenty-pound note, which I'll give him. He can't make money out of the place.

The American Association has some of the finest runners in Nicoll, Latham, Stovey, Purcell, and many others, but I have, unfortunately, not seen enough of their work to speak accurately of their methods. Though stealing bases is only a part of base-running, yet even this requires considerable skill, and it is by no means always the fastest runner who succeeds the oftenest.