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Make love indeed the atomy the shrimp the dried-up stock-fish. Love, quotha and refuse to hang a cur like that. O dear! O dear! get me something to put on. One of my best chemises all in rags and his nasty teeth in my leg in two places, Babette. Well, well, Mr Vanslyperken, we shall see I don't care for their custom.

I should not be slow in responding, "Cargo! hai Trincalo!" and in presently getting into the best possible trim and tune. But the poet may say now, with the Butler in the old play, "Mine are precious cabinets, and must have precious jewels put into them; and I know you to be merchants of stock-fish, dry meat, and not men for my market; then vanish!"

Swinge her skin-coat as if thou wert beating on stock-fish; and let the repercussion of thy clapper from her resounding metal make a noise as if a double peal of chiming-bells were hung at the cremasters of thy ballocks.

'The petter for you if you vas, you seven-foot stock-fish, cried my enemy the cooper, whose aspect was not improved by a great strip of plaster over his eye. 'You might have learned something petter than to pull on a rope, or to swab decks like a vrouw all your life. 'I'll set you adrift in one of your own barrels, you skin of lard, said the seaman.

The fish taken was the Norwegian stock-fish, such as is split, dried and exported from that country in great quantities for human food. But one important point was overlooked, namely the probability of the fish being affected on passing through the tropics.

"Now I see that thou art not thyself, son, for thou hadst no meat, but only stock-fish and I never knew a man forget his supper on the night of its eating, except he was distraught or deep in love." "Was it so?" said Brighteyes. "What troubles thee, Eric? that sweet lass yonder?" "Ay, somewhat, mother." "What more, then?"

To the maid, however, we said that we had inherited such riches from my brother in Holland; and after we had again given thanks to the Lord on our knees, and eaten our dinner, we bought in a great store of bread, salt, meat, and stock-fish: item, of clothes, seeing that I provided what was needful for us three throughout the winter from the cloth-merchant.

Then is sacrificed to him haberdines, poor-jack, minglemangled, mismashed, &c. Eggs fried, beaten, sliced, roasted in Green-fish. buttered, poached, the embers, tossed Sea-batts. hardened, boiled, in the chimney, &c. Cod's sounds. broiled, stewed, Stock-fish. Sea-pikes. Which to concoct and digest the more easily, vinegar is multiplied.

Peter, whom they had not seen for a week or more. "Gentlemen," he said, flourishing his cane in his most affable manner, "I've come to propose to you to join us in a little dinner-party at Richmond. Nobody's in town, you know. London's as dead as a stock-fish. Nothing but the scrapings to offer you.

You may make ling, or stock-fish pie in this manner; but you are to observe, that all the skin is to be taken off, and not to put a piece whole into the pie, according to this receipt; but mince all the fish with the yolks of hard eggs, leaving out the whites, and adding a large spoonful of made mustard when you stir the ingredients together, before you put them into the pie.