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There were players as composed as the most hardened virtuosi; others, again, who were overcome by stage-fright to such an extent that they barely escaped a total fiasco. The success of the year was Dove, in his performance of Chopin's Concerto in E minor. Dove's unshakable self-possession was here of immense value to him.

"How much am I offered for this pair of magnificent young horses?" asked the auctioneer, ingratiatingly. Wallie, who had not such a case of stage-fright since he first sang in public "Oh, that we two were Maying," bid instantly: "Two hundred dollars!" His voice sounded like the squeak in a telephone receiver. The auctioneer cupped his hand behind his ear and leaned forward: "What?"

When Esther rang the bell of Numéro 86 Route de Grasse, she felt within her that pleasant sort of stage-fright a mixture of dread and exhilaration which one is apt to experience when venturing into the unknown.

The dignity of the Bailli and the meddling of the drummer were alike delightful; Fly was charmingly arch and mutinous; Mysie very straightforward; and the least successful personation was that of Gillian, who had a fit of stage-fright, forgot sentences, and whirred her spinning-wheel nervously, all the worse for being scolded by her brothers behind the scenes, and assured that she was making a mull of the whole affair.

However, I thought at the time that I had done moderately well, and my mother's shy smile confirmed me in the belief. Burton was white with stage-fright as he stepped from the wings but he got through very well, better than I, for he attempted no oratorical flights. Now came the usual hurried and painful farewells of classmates. With fervid hand-clasp we separated, some of us never again to meet.

If he can acquire indifference to this feature of his case, through the reflection that to others it is only a passing incident, the blush and the trepidation will promptly disappear, and a step will have been taken towards gaining the self-control for which he aims. The usual cause of stage-fright is exaggerated self-consciousness. The sufferer from stage-fright can hardly fail to be a worrier.

As she put it on she heard a babel of voices in the class-room beyond, and she felt something like stage-fright as she fumbled at the hooks and eyes; but a clock struck the hour presently, and she went in then and climbed on to the throne. At first she saw nothing, but after a while she was aware of a group of men who stood near the door regarding her. "Carina."

His stage-fright had passed, for the audience was but an indistinguishable blur of darkness beyond the dazzling lights. Craftily his brown fingers stole from Maurice's palm to the wrist. The two boys declaimed in concert: "We are two chuldrun of the Tabul Round Strewing kindness all a-round. With love and good deeds striving ever for the best, May our littul efforts e'er be blest.

But it's the spirit I want. To-day was a bad day for a youngster. There's always lots of feelin' about college athletics, but here at Wayne this year the strain's awful. And you fought yourself and stage-fright and the ridicule of 'em quitter students. You tried, Peg! I never saw a gamer try. You didn't fail me.

Public speaking was not a major problem for me nor did I suffer from stage-fright as I had participated in several school competitions and also represented my school in inter-school debates. In fact, I had been awarded the Best Speaker prize in my final year at school. Still, speaking at a competition was one thing and being the main speaker for the day was quite another.