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But nowadays what woman will you find worth reverence? what man so free from drink and debauchery as to command it? The human beings of our day are often less respectable than the beasts! I can imagine love, what it might be what it should be but till we have a very different and more spiritualised world, the thing is impossible." Again, Gwent was silent for some minutes. Then he said

But faces have a trick of growing more and more spiritualised and abstract in the memory, until nothing remains of them but a look, a haunting expression; just that secret quality in a face that is apt to slip out somehow under the cunningest painter's touch, and leave the portrait dead for the lack of it.

And of yet another night, when, after long experience of sorrow, solitude, and revolt, her husband had come to her once again but come even as the bird's song came from across the valley, etherealised, spiritualised, the same yet endowed with qualities of unearthly beauty and how that strange and exquisite communion with the dead had fortified her to endure an anguish even greater than any she had yet known.

"I think that's the official version," observed Geisner, running his fingers softly over the keys again. "It's above disputation, whatever it is," remarked Ford. "Why should it be, if all true music isn't? And why should not this be the best rendering?" He struck the grand melody again and it sounded softened, spiritualised, purified. Its fierce clamour, its triumphant crashing, were gone.

Over her broad forehead she had wound a large silk handkerchief in turban fashion. It hung down behind. She wished to conceal the thinness of her hair. He smiled to recognise her again in this. More spiritualised, more ethereal in her beauty, her innermost aspirations shone forth without effort. Her thin hands caressed his hair, and now she gazed into his eyes. "Rafael, my Rafael!"

The Quakers believe, as a farther argument in their favour, that there is reason to presume that St. Paul never looked upon the spiritualised passover as any permanent and essential rite, which Christians were enjoined to follow.

Health had returned and with it his former good looks, but matured, spiritualised, as it seemed to her just now. The livid line of the scar had died out too, and was nearly gone.

And then the proverb has been preserved out of the old political life of England, and has been moralised and spiritualised to us in the Holy War.

So great a change had been wrought in Alizon's appearance and manner during the last few weeks, that she could scarcely be recognised. Still beautiful as ever, her beauty had lost its earthly character, and had become in the highest degree spiritualised and refined.

Neither could it be said of him that he spiritualised away the plain meaning of Scripture a charge to which the old Quakers were constantly liable, and which was sometimes alleged against the later Methodists.