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The hangers-on to the kitchen recommend to the kitchen, they to the drawing-room, and so it spreads. At least he could say now that he had had a patient. He went into the back room and lit the spirit-kettle to boil the water for his tea, laughing the while at the recollection of his recent interview.

"They stood gazing down at the boy in the cot, aware that they might be observed from the other room. "'We must get him to perspire as soon as possible, said Davidson in his ordinary voice. 'You'll have to give him hot drink of some kind. I will go on board and bring you a spirit-kettle amongst other things. And he added under his breath: 'Do they actually mean murder?

'Ain't got such a thing as a drop o' spirit, 'ave yer? H. O. said no, we hadn't, only lemonade and tea. 'What's THAT then? He pointed to a bottle labelled Dewar's whisky, which stood on the table near the spirit-kettle. 'Oh, is THAT what you want? said H. O. kindly. The man is understood to have said he should bloomin' well think so, but H. O. is not sure about the 'bloomin'.

No," as he shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands, "it's not a bit of good doing that. It doesn't deceive me in the least. I know you did it, and you're a perfect dear, and it was sweet of you to think of it. It's the best picnic I ever went to. And you even thought of tea," catching sight of a small spirit-kettle that sang in a sheltered corner. "Let's have some at once, shall we?

The room much surpassed in comfort that which she had occupied at Mrs. Conisbee's; it was spacious, and provided with a couple of very soft armchairs. Having locked her door, Virginia made certain preparations which had nothing to do with natural repose. From the cupboard she brought out a little spirit-kettle, and put water to boil.

"Will ye wait a minute while I give ye your tay?" There was a spirit-kettle singing merrily in the room. She busied herself about it, her withered face intent over the task. The white arms fell upon the blue travelling-rug that Biddy had spread with loving care outside the bed the night before to add to her mistress's comfort.

They walked on slowly through the fading woods, and when they had reached the top of the hill that sloped down to the dark and foamless Widder they sat down in the honey-scented sunshine on a knoll of heather and bracken, and Grisel lighted the little spirit-kettle she had brought with her, and busied herself very methodically over making tea.

But in a few minutes bottle, glass, and spirit-kettle were hidden away. The sugar-basin she lost sight of; it still remained in its former place. Then she opened the door, and with uncertain step went out into the passage. 'Alice! she called aloud. At once both her sisters appeared, coming out of Monica's chamber. Monica had partly dressed herself.

'Forgive me; your conversation makes me forget hospitality. Shall I make hot water? I have a spirit-kettle. 'Cold for me. I get in such a deuced perspiration when I begin to talk. Try this tobacco; the last of half a hundred-weight I took in at Bahia. The traveller refreshed himself with a full tumbler, and resumed the conversation cheerily.

Black mufti did not suit the handsome martial figure, and there is no dwelling so wearisome as a house of mourning, when the servants move about on tiptoe, wearing faces of funereal solemnity, and the afternoon tea-tray is carried in in state, like the corpse of a domestic usage on its way to the cemetery, with the silver spirit-kettle bubbling behind it as chief mourner.