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At length, as a result of these individual efforts, the State began to show an interest in this educational movement, although it had for so long stood apart from it. It discovered, in its turn, the educational value of singing. A musical test was instituted at the examination for the Brevet supérieur which made the study of solfeggio a more serious matter in the Écoles Normales.

Perhaps you may be passed in with even a solfeggio, but just think! suppose you are asked to "describe the most expressive movement in the action of a man throwing a stone," or "how many heads there are in the Milo!"... Such philosophising is quite the thing here at Benares everyone does.

Besides these lessons, she studied harmony and practiced solfeggio at the Conservatory. Her every hour was taken up with something. When her fingers were weary with playing she could write out her exercises in harmony. So the days and weeks slipped away. Busy over her studies she hardly noticed that the winter had come again till she began to need warmer clothing. She went to aunt Caroline.

As the ear is of such prime importance in music, great attention should be paid to tone study to listening to and distinguishing the various sounds, and to singing them if possible, in solfeggio. "At the outset a good hand position must be secured, with correct finger movements.

Camilla’s trial piece at the examination in solfeggio was a song that began in one clef, went a few bars and then jumped into another, then into another and back again, then another and so on in a manner perfectly bewildering and distracting. She had never seen it before and went through it without missing a note.

For no sooner did the Three R's loose their hold on him at noon, than the Maestro claimed him for music after lunch, three times a week. Rather tantalizing music, for he wasn't to go near the piano yet. No, it was solfeggio, horrid dry scales to sing, and rhythm, and notation.

She exhibited a fine, clear voice almost as well trained as her fingers. The performance only showed how thorough had been her instruction in solfeggio at the Conservatory. Every true artist is a singer. No matter what his or her instrument may be, no matter how skillful their fingers may be with bow or keys, singing must form a part of their education.

I know not how I remained ignorant of them so long! "The sisters were granted a benefit concert; I sang with Lauretta a long scena from Anfossi. As usual I presided at the piano. We came to the last fermata. Lauretta exerted all her skill and art; she warbled trill after trill like a nightingale, executed sustained notes, then long elaborate roulades a whole solfeggio.

This is the theory of Camilla’s study in music. The practice of solfeggio gives clearness and accuracy to the ear, and teaches the eye to read with certainty and speed. Much of her understanding of music has come from such practice and it should form a part of every musician’s education.

Having finished her morning tea she went to the ballroom, which she particularly liked for its loud resonance, and began singing her solfeggio. When she had finished her first exercise she stood still in the middle of the room and sang a musical phrase that particularly pleased her. "What's the good of making so much of it? Passing a mirror she glanced into it.