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Moses' meekness did not make him a coward or a sluggard. It helped him to do his work rightly instead of wrongly; it helped him to conquer the pride of Pharaoh, and the faithlessness, cowardice, and rebellion of his brethren, those miserable slavish Jews.

Henderson's school Dictation and Recitation; For boys taught exclusively by their mothers Arithmetic and Reading. Prizes were given; but what prize would be so conciliatory as this boyish little joke? It may read thin here; it would smack racily in the playroom. If it was but play, if it was but a puppetshow they were to build, he set them the example of being no sluggard in play.

They sat down on some chairs and waited in a corner of the apartment, looking by turns at the high ceiling and bare walls, talking low, and over-politely pushing back their chairs each time that one of the attendants passed. Yet among themselves they called the mayor a sluggard, saying he must be visiting his blonde to get a massage for his gout, or that maybe he'd swallowed his official sash.

Death, especially a bloody one, appeared to awaken a keen enjoyment, to quicken the sluggard pulse of even this rather peaceful Tarascan tribe. One could easily fancy them watching with the same ebullient joy the dying struggles of helpless human beings butchered in the same way.

'The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing. PROVERBS xx. 4. Like all the sayings of this book, this is simply a piece of plain, practical common sense, intended to inculcate the lesson that men should diligently seize the opportunity whilst it is theirs.

"Oh, bah! never mind," answered the keeper; "I wish to make a little more acquaintance with Gringalet. It is amusing." "Really, it is very interesting," added Germain, attentive to the story. "Oh, thank you for what you say, my capitalist; that gives me more pleasure than your ten sous." "Thunder! you sluggard!" cried the Skeleton. "Will you have done keeping us waiting?"

At the end of three hours he returned, his hamlike hands thrust deep into empty pockets, and the look in his eye of one who has watched rosy dreams vanish. "Where you been all this time?" snapped his employer wrathfully. "'As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is a sluggard to them that send him. I declare, Solomon must have had some black stable boys!

"It may be exercise, aunt, but " "Do not answer me, but go. Where do you expect little boys will go to, who are always idle?" "Sleep?" hazarded Thomas. "Thomas, you shall learn the whole of Dr. Watts's poem on the sluggard before you go to bed this night."

Proteus, unwilling to part with his friend, used many arguments to prevail upon Valentine not to leave him: but Valentine said, "Cease to persuade me, my loving Proteus. I will not, like a sluggard, wear out my youth in idleness at home. Home-keeping youths have ever homely wits.

It was a May morning to rouse a sluggard; the night air tingled into life at the touch of the sunshine, the trees in the flitting glory of their first green. Stephen found the shaded street in front of the Arsenal already filled with an expectant crowd. Sharp commands broke the silence, and he saw the blue regiments forming on the lawn inside the wall.