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"All living proceeded at that ratio or even a slower one, for if you could not afford coach fare you walked to where you were going. Nevertheless, in spite of the defects of the period, it was considered a very comfortable era, and people were well content with it.

The return journey was still slower than the advance had been; and it was not till late in the summer of 1855 that they reached the villages of the Makololo, having been absent more than eighteen months. They were received as men risen from the dead, for the diviners had declared that they had perished long ago. The returned adventurers were the lions of the day.

There had evidently been a strenuous scene in which Pat had figured and through which he and the girl had emerged rather deplorably. Cameron also arrived at the conclusion that the young woman in his care must be made to take a keener interest in life than she seemed to be taking, or her recovery would be slower than it ought to be, according to physical indications.

He had cautiously closed the door before speaking of himself, and had talked with such excess of emotion, and in a provincial Italian so difficult to understand, that I had more than once been obliged to stop him, and beg him to have compassion on me and be slower and calmer. By degrees he became so, and tranquilly walked back with me to the hotel.

In early youth, I may have thought so, and been full of that little pride. But now I have long accounted it one of the first axioms of political economy you are following me, Mistress Ridd? 'Well, sir, I am doing my best; but I cannot quite keep up with you. 'Never mind, madam; I will be slower. But your son's intelligence is so quick 'I see, sir; you thought that mine must be.

The conscientious thing to do, as we get older and find ourselves slower, more timid, more inactive, more anxious, is to consult a candid friend, and to follow his advice rather than our own inclination; a certain fearfulness, an avoidance of unpleasant duty, a dreary foreboding, is apt to be characteristic of age. But we must meet it philosophically.

Also, when I have a mind to visit the depths of the ocean five or six mlles below the surface, I make use of slower but not less infallible means." "What are they, Captain?" "That involves my telling you how the Nautilus is worked." "I am impatient to learn."

Twonette slowly opened her big blue eyes, but she was slower in awakening. "Twonette! Twonette!" cried Yolanda, pulling at the girl's hand. "I declare, if you don't resist this growing drowsiness you will go down in history as the 'Eighth Sleeper, and will be left snoring on resurrection morn." When Twonette had awakened sufficiently to walk, we started from the arbor to the house.

At the blast of a trumpet all the oars struck the sea at once, and beat it into foam, and the vessels shot forward amid the loud shouts of the multitude. The Chimera, under Gyas's skillful guidance, took the lead; next followed the Scylla, whose rowers were more efficient, but were unable to make such progress, because the vessel was naturally slower.

In an hour the breeze might entirely die away, and the spinners and weavers would all find their jennies and looms going slower and slower, and finally stopping altogether. And then, perhaps, two hours afterwards, when they had all given up the day's work and gone away to their respective homes, the breeze would spring up again, and the wind mill would go to work more industriously than ever.