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The other man stretched his arms and swung one foot negligently over the chair arm. His unqualified agreement brought sudden alarm to Joe's eyes. "I suppose you're right," he drawled. "It does get on any man's nerves. Right this minute I'm as tired of it as I ever dare let myself get. I've sloughed around in the mud enough for one session." Garry frowned, perplexed.

Since he had come back from the penitentiary he had been lying pretty low, but he brought down from the old days a record that chilled the blood. Curly sloughed his foolishness and came to the point. "You're on, Slats. I'm making that call to you now." The eyes of the two men fastened. Those of Flandrau had quit dancing and were steady as the sun in a blue sky.

Let me hope that, having had that course at the beginning of my life, I have had it once for all. MISTRESS FAWCETT. There are worse things than a loveless marriage with a brute. One is to love a man you cannot marry, and be cast aside by him, while your heart is still alive with the love he has sloughed off like an old skin that has begun to chafe.

A large lump of his adherents had sloughed off from his party and had affiliated with his opponents, and the evening opposition paper had come out with a red-hot article condemning the administration for reckless extravagance.

When necessity demanded, Tarzan of the Apes sloughed the thin veneer of his civilization and with it the hampering apparel that was its badge. In a moment the polished English gentleman reverted to the naked ape man. His mate was in danger. For the time, that single thought dominated.

If after the stump has sloughed there seems to be any protrusion, or indeed any ulcerated look about the naval, it is best to bathe the child on your lap. Wash, rinse, wipe and powder him, being careful to make every part absolutely clean and dry.

It is quite possible that, since for physiological reasons she is nearer to instinctive motivation than the male, she cannot help being more ruthless once deterrent inhibition has been sloughed. But is she in fact more dangerous, more deadly as a criminal, than the male?

For that there was nothing to do but to wait a little; with the returning mild weather, Evan would be able to procure a furlough, he would be at her side, and then nothing then but union and joy. She could wait; and even in the waiting, her healthy spirit as it were sloughed off care, and came back again to its usual placid, strong, bright condition.

The kernel of his being had not passed through an actual birth or death; it had only passed from a spiritual tone-consciousness, in which it was given over to the outer world, to one of a more inner nature. It had sloughed off its skin. The old body had become useless; it was thrown off and renewed.

He has not willed his own bondage; while you, my grocer, and butcher, and baker ay, and you, my fine city merchant, who fondly fancy yourself a freeman ye are voluntary in your serfdom; ye are loyal to a political juggle that annually robs ye of half your year's industry; that annually requires some hundred thousands of your class to be sloughed off into exile, lest your whole body should gangrene and die.