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Bess and Beauty they were the horses, and of all the ugly nags that ever I saw Beauty was the ugliest started off on a round trot, slewing along down the hill; they knew they were going home just as well as I did. I looked back, as we turned the corner, to see the boys standing round in their red shirts, with the snow behind them, and the fire and the shanties.

"By George, we'll be too late!" cried `old Hankey Pankey, hobbling onwards at a fine rate for a moment, and then slewing round to give some fresh order to those following up behind. "Come on, men come on at the double. Spread out your flanks, Mr Gresham! Spread out your flanks, d'ye hear? Tell Mr Shrapnell to bring up the guns.

So, when it lodged she blew it out of the way, slewing her mouth around to do so, and shutting one eye as if taking aim. All these employments left her no time for the man who had approached within a few feet of her and stood with an inquiring poise as if asking permission to speak.

Belk, the Justice of the Peace little pink and flaxen gentleman, carrying himself with an air of pompous levity eyes slewing round as you passed; and Mrs. Belk hard, tight rotundity, little iron-grey eyes twinkling busily in a snub face, putty-skinned with a bilious gleam; curious eyes, busy eyes saying, "I'd like to know what she did to be jilted."

The lioness gathered herself together, and I gave myself up for lost, when suddenly Tom shouted out from somewhere in my rear "'You are walking on to the wounded cub; turn to the right. "I had the sense, dazed as I was, to take the hint, and slewing round at right-angles, but still keeping my eyes on the lioness, I continued my backward walk.

"There, booby," said Larkyns, slewing me round and shoving my head right out of the port. "Can't you see the powder hoy, there to your right, passing Blockhouse Fort, at the mouth of the harbour?" "That one flying the red flag, eh?" "Yes, my dear Squaretoes; but we don't call a burgee a flag aboard ships."

And so they went on silently together, Flossie in pain because of the little worm gnawing at her heart, he thinking many things, sad and bitter and tender things, of the woman walking by his side. From time to time she looked at him as she had looked at those City gentlemen, not turning her head, but slewing the large dark of her eye into its corner. Presently she spoke.

They had all but dragged him to the track when the train rushed by. The whole thing had happened in twenty seconds of time. He dropped his hold and sprang to one side while the horses dashed on and tore round the projecting corner of rock, the buggy slewing wildly after them.

After a thaw the streets had frozen in smooth ice. Down those wide endless streets the wind rattled between the rows of wooden houses, and the whole Bellevue district seemed a frontier town. Even with skid chains on all four wheels, Babbitt was afraid of sliding, and when he came to the long slide of a hill he crawled down, both brakes on. Slewing round a corner came a less cautious car.

That was because across the placard, in neat, black letters, were the words: Watch your Hat and Coat. He reached to touch the one-eyed man. "Say, Mister!" he whispered, "Y' see what it says? Well, what'll happen if we watch?" "Huh!" ejaculated the other, slewing that one green eye round to glance upward. "That's jes' it! If y' watch, nuthin'll happen!" It was a good thing to know at the moment.