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"'I was a sales-boy in the wholesale dry-goods store of Baldwin & Chandler, in Detroit, Mich., where my parents live. "'Have you written to your parents or sister since your arrest? "'No, sir; I asked permission to do so, but it was refused me. "Gen. Sleeman, an old man, full of sympathy and kind feelings, on the impulse of the moment said, 'That was an outrage.

The Report was made in 1839 by Major Sleeman, of the Indian Service, and was printed in Calcutta in 1840. It is a clumsy, great, fat, poor sample of the printer's art, but good enough for a government printing-office in that old day and in that remote region, perhaps.

It happens, fortunately, that in this case the character of the testimony is unimpeachable; for although brought forward in a brief, rough pamphlet, published in a provincial town, and merely said to be 'by an Indian Official, we recognise both in the manner and matter the pen of Colonel Sleeman, the British Resident at the court of Lucknow, whose invaluable services in putting down thuggee and dacoitee in India we have already described to our readers.

Sleeman thought he knew every criminal within his jurisdiction, and that the worst of them were merely thieves; but Feringhea told him that he was in reality living in the midst of a swarm of professional murderers; that they had been all about him for many years, and that they buried their dead close by.

I have noticed that the man who sweeps in front of the Army and Navy Stores has a wealthy South African aristocratic style about him; and when he is off his guard, he has exactly that look on his face which you always see in the face of a man who is saving up his daughter to marry her to a duke. It appears from Sleeman that in India the occupation of elephant-driver is confined to Mohammedans.

But here was the point and it was the point which was worrying Sleeman grayheaded. There was trouble between the ranchers and the land company. Not that it was for him to say who was right or wrong. But there was trouble. Now, he was a man of small means, and he was forced to put all his eggs in one basket.

In one little sentence Sleeman gives you a pathetic picture of this lonely old gray figure: all day and all night "she remained sitting by the edge of the water without eating or drinking." The next morning the body of the husband was burned to ashes in a pit eight feet square and three or four feet deep, in the view of several thousand spectators.

About that time Major Sleeman captured Eugene Sue's Thug-chief, "Feringhea," and got him to turn King's evidence. The revelations were so stupefying that Sleeman was not able to believe them.

'I have in these territories, says Colonel Sleeman, 'known a great many instances of medical practitioners being put to death for not curing young people for whom they were required to prescribe.

Anderson returned from driving Forrester out of this portion of the country a division of infantry under Sleeman returned from a very long and circuitous march. He was arrested and taken to the guard-house. The young man was greatly troubled. He had been a good soldier; had never shirked any duty imposed upon him. The next day he was reported by Serg't Smith as being found asleep while on duty.