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South-west south-east due south?" "South-west by south. Perhaps that's not nautical, but you know what I mean." "All right! Now, look here! As I stand here looking out slantwise where's the sunset? I mean, where would it be? where does it mean to be?" "You would be looking straight at it. Of course, you are not really looking north.... There now you are!"

The server took the Missal and bore it to the left, or Gospel-side, of the altar, taking care not to touch the pages of the book. Each time he passed before the tabernacle he made a genuflexion slantwise, which threw him all askew. Returning to the right-hand side once more, he stood upright with crossed arms during the reading of the Gospel.

Then he has wrung them as if he were wringing the necks of poultry, and fixed them on his drying line with thorns and spikes, and finally he has taken the battered garments to his torture chamber and ploughed them with his iron, longwise and crosswise and slantwise, and dropped glowing cinders on their tenderest places.

A flight of steps led slantwise to the bottom, and at the foot of the tower, stripped to the waist, they beheld two men busily filling great sacks with a curious cargo. The turret had never been finished. It contained nothing whatever except the staircase. So far as Sholto could see there was not even a window anywhere.

He could now see, slantwise through the thick glass, a large steam yacht, afire from her mainmast to her bow, and on the still intact quarter-deck a woman frantically beckoning. Men, nearer the fire, seemed to be fighting it. The picture disappeared from view as the boat, under the impulse of her engines and wheel, straightened to a course for the wreck.

It has been a most beautiful morning, and I have seen few pleasanter scenes than this street in which we lodge, with its spacious breadth, its two rows of fine old trees, with sidewalks as wide as the whole width of some streets; and, on the opposite side, the row of houses, some of them ancient with picturesque gables, partially disclosed through the intervening foliage. . . . From our window we have a slantwise glimpse, to the right, of the walls of St.

He looked anxiously down the hill; then he lifted those soft, slantwise eyes to mine very wistfully. "Go, Colonel," I commanded, pointing to the hollow. Instead, he came to me and lifted to my knee one of those ponderous feet of his, and tried to pull me from my log. "Aren't you coming?" he seemed to say. "No, old chap," I answered, pulling the long ears gently till he smiled.

Drawing nearer, I discern that these are not mangles, but intricate machines, set with knives and saws and planes, which cut smooth and straight here, and slantwise there, and now cut such a depth, and now miss cutting altogether, according to the predestined requirements of the pieces of wood that are pushed on below them: each of which pieces is to be an oar, and is roughly adapted to that purpose before it takes its final leave of far-off forests, and sails for England.

Leaving the Alhambra he returned to the Kicker office, seating himself again at his desk. The sun came slantwise through the window full upon him; the heat was oppressive; the flint-like alkali dust sifted through the crevices in the building and settled over everything in the room; myriad flies droned in the white sunlight before the open door.

It was the play of light striking slantwise from the entrance, no doubt, but it seemed to Kate that a flicker of yellow light danced across the eyes of the child. And it stopped Kate took her breath with a new terror.