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Monsieur Vignevielle looked in at no more doors or windows; but if the disappearance of this symptom was a favorable sign, others came to notice which were especially bad, for instance, wakefulness. At well-nigh any hour of the night, the city guard, which itself dared not patrol singly, would meet him on his slow, unmolested, sky-gazing walk.

Perhaps it was sky-gazing, or the windmiller's trick of watching the clouds, or perhaps it was something else, from which Jan derived an erectness of carriage not common among the children about him, and a quaint way of carrying his little chin in the air as if he were listening to voices from a higher level than that of the round-house floor.

The patrol who sighted the Thunder Bird at that height, with no motor hum to call his attention upward, must have sharp eyes and a habit of sky-gazing. Cliff, peering down over the edge of the cockpit, must have thought so, for he laughed aloud triumphantly. "Fine! I think we are putting one over on my friends, the guards," he cried, with more animation than Johnny had yet observed in him.

Time reported that pickpockets were doing a fabulous business working the sky-gazing crowds that gathered when a plativolo was seen. Mexico's Department of National Defense reported that there had been some good reports but that the stories of finding crashed saucers weren't true. On March 8 one of the best UFO sightings of 1950 took place right over ATIC.

If Edgar made any poetry while in the water he did not mention it; but he was absent-minded and unsociable all the way to the river and back sky-gazing for curious cloud-forms, listening for bird-notes and hunting wild-flowers, and talking almost none at all.

Sky-gazing was an old habit with Jan, and his active imagination was not slow to follow his foster-mother's fancies. The niece did all the house-work, for the freakish state of Mrs. Lake's memory made her help too uncertain to be trusted to.

Monsieur Vigneville looked in at no more doors or windows; but if the disappearance of this symptom was a favorable sign, others came to notice which were especially bad, for instance, wakefulness. At well-nigh any hour of the night, the city guard, which itself dared not patrol singly, would meet him on his slow, unmolested, sky-gazing walk.

Whenever they met, even after a brief separation, he expressed his feelings by his hoarsest screech. He did so now and, by so doing, recalled Margot from sky-gazing and his enemy from doubt. "Ah! Angelique! Watching for me? How kind of you. Hush, Tom. Let her alone, good Angelique, poor Angelique!" The eagle flapped his wings with a melancholy disdain and plunged his beak in his breast.

She had been gone about an hour, when the sky suddenly darkened, the wind rose and the thunder rolled in prelude to the storm. Major Warfield came skurrying home from the mill, grasping his bridle with one hand and holding his hat on with the other. Meeting poor old Ezy in the shrubbery, he stormed out upon him with: "What are you lounging there for, you old idiot! You old sky-gazing lunatic!

She had been gone about an hour, when the sky suddenly darkened, the wind rose and the thunder rolled in prelude to the storm. Major Warfield came skurrying home from the mill, grasping his bridle with one hand and holding his hat on with the other. Meeting poor old Ezy in the shrubbery, he stormed out upon him with: "What are you lounging there for, you old idiot! You old sky-gazing lunatic!