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But if she excites his senses, and remains problematic, he will skimp his duty, neglect his friends, and snatch even hours from sleep to spend them in her company!" "You don't think then that there is something higher and beyond all this in love, George? something which you and I have never come across perhaps?"

He looked in at Miss Dexter's little garden, admirably neat and well-trimmed; dahlias, hollyhocks, sweet William and asters, though done with blossoms, still bore their green leaves unsmitten by the frost. The windows appeared full of flowers too, but the blinds were skimp and faded and drawn down behind them.

She had a silk frock too white, very skimp, and short; and enormously long black legs, as thin as sticks; and her hair in plaits. I felt a thick lump beside her. And I didn't like her at all. What horrid toads children are!

In the meantime the port captain would be making daily visits to the shipyard to make certain that the builder was holding rigidly to the specifications and not trying to skimp here and there; and on Saturdays Cappy would accompany him and satisfy himself that the port captain wasn't being imposed upon.

Our thoughts were on home, the folks that are dear to us, and our beloved native land, and our emotions were too strained for expression in cheers. The vessel was manned by French, who treated us splendidly for the first two days out. After that, however, they began to skimp on our food and to give us things of poor quality.

Also, he soon ran out of lumber for his interior sets and must buy more. As the possibilities of his production grew plainer to him, Luck knew that he could not slight a single scene nor skimp it in the making. He could go hungry if it came to that, but he could not cheapen his story by using make-shift settings.

"Oh, it's a jolly morning for a walk," called back Tussie gaily, searching about for his cap "And eyes all beautiful with strenuous thought Come on, sir." But Fritzing would not skimp any part of his farewell ceremonies. "Permit me, madam," he said, deeply bowing, "to thank you for your extremely kind reception." "Kind?" echoed Lady Shuttleworth, unable to stop herself from smiling.

First, he can rapidly determine whether the provisional saving suggested by substitution of unspecified materials is a wise change. Second, he knows whether the bidder under consideration is dependable or inclined to skimp in hidden but essential points. There is, also, the possible chance that none of the bids submitted come within the sum the owner is prepared to spend.

Joe had been hoping that she would be a buffer against Alison's attention. He made tea, sat at the computer, and began to enter the cat burglar story. The next days were filled with writing and shopping. His money was draining away, but Kate's wedding was important. How could he skimp? The San Juan Islands would probably be cool in September.

Nina's dress was of raspberry cloth, cut in the latest exaggeration of fashion her skirt was short and skimp as her hat was huge. Her muff of sables as big and soft as a pillow she could easily have buried her arms in it to the shoulder.