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"Now listen well for I, Yolara, give you three things myself, and the Shining One, and the power that is the Shining One's yea, and still a fourth thing that is all three power over all upon that world from whence you came! These, my lord, ye shall have. I swear it" she turned toward the altar uplifted her arms "by Siya and by Siyana, and by the flame, by the water, and by the light!"

The O'Keefe was bothered about something else than the government of Muria. "If they've killed off all the priests, who's to marry us, heart of mine?" he worried. "None of those Siya and Siyana rites, no matter what," he added hastily. "Marry!" cried the handmaiden incredulously. "Marry us? Why, Larry dear, we are married!"

And this man is a stranger a barbarian food for the Shining One!" Literally, he spat the phrase. "No, not of our kind Lugur higher!" Yolara answered serenely. "Lo, a son of Siya and of Siyana!" "A lie!" roared the red dwarf. "A lie!" "The Shining One revealed it to me!" said Yolara sweetly. "And if ye believe not, Lugur go ask of the Shining One if it be not truth!"

Priests and priestesses of all cults dwelt in the immense seven-terraced structure, of which the jet amphitheatre was the water side. The symbol, icon, representation, of Siya and Siyana the globe and the up-striving figures typified earthly love, feet bound to earth, but eyes among the stars.

"By the rites of Siya and Siyana, Yolara takes their son for her mate!" And again her hand stole down possessingly, serpent soft, to the drunken head of the O'Keefe. The curtains parted widely. Through them filed, two by two, twelve hooded figures clad in flowing robes of the green one sees in forest vistas of opening buds of dawning spring.

"Want!" the silver voice hissed, grew calm. "Do not Siya and Siyana grieve that the rite I pledged them is but half done and do they not desire it finished? And am I not beautiful? More beautiful than your choya?" The fiendishness died from the eyes; they grew blue, wondrous; the veil of invisibility slipped down from the neck, the shoulders, half revealing the gleaming breasts.

But we've got to get damned busy and quick I'll tell you that now " I have no space here even to outline the eschatology of this people, nor to catalogue their pantheon. Siya and Siyana typified worldly love. Their ritual was, however, singularly free from those degrading elements usually found in love-cults.

Life and beauty had flowed back into her face, and in the purple eyes all her hosts of devils were gathered. "Do you forget what I promised you before Siya and Siyana? And do you think that you can leave me me as though I were a choya like her." She pointed to Lakla. "Do you " "Now, listen, Yolara," Larry interrupted almost plaintively.

"Strike up the band" came O'Keefe's voice "here comes the hero!" He strode into the room. I am bound to say that the admiration in Rador's eyes was reflected in my own, and even, if involuntarily, in Olaf's. "A son of Siyana!" whispered Rador.