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It seems clear to me that to help one without the other is usually an impossible task. Their interests are too closely bound together." There is always danger, in our eagerness to help the children, that we may only encourage parents to shirk their duty. Take the admirable charities known as day nurseries.

Do you think the men of our regiment are not going to do their duty, and work away at the pumps as long as the pumps will work? If they do not, we will go and handle them ourselves, and put them to shame. Hurrah, lasses! you think better of your young husbands than to suppose that, and we old ones have tried ours, and know that they will not shirk their duty."

These two were seated amidst a pile of camp stuff. "Well, we're here," said Henry Burns, laughing, as the boys piled out of the cart. "Hope you've got something for us all to do. You'll find us green, but we won't shirk." John Ellison stared at them in amazement. "You better go on out to the pond," he said. "I don't want to keep you fellows.

I've had it dinned into my ears all my life, and I want to hear someone appreciate the other side for a change. I'm young; I've got all my life to live. If I were a boy I should be allowed to choose. Surely! surely, I ought to have some say in my own affairs! Don't shirk now, Tom, but speak out and say what you think.

He said to himself, "I don't shirk my punishment. I'm going to take it. But fair's fair There's no occasion to make myself out worse than I really am. Norah has taken hold of me a great deal more by my int'lect than by the low animal kind of feelings that are the mark of the abject sinner.

I can see, and know from experience, that the elective system is not wholly practical in high schools, nor for girls and boys who are not yet eighteen years old: because boys and girls need a stated amount of general knowledge, which they get in the high schools; because they are not sufficiently decided in their own minds and feelings, not sufficiently developed, mentally, to really know what is best for them to study; and because so many boys and girls will shirk the hardest studies.

"After that," was Nevil's heroic conclusion, "Jane can say what she damn well pleases." He broke the news to her forthwith by post; the usual expedient of those who shirk "scenes." He furthermore took the precaution to add that the matter was finally settled. She replied next morning by wire. "Cannot understand. Coming down at once."

He had held in check all those who, taking advantage of her father's absence, were disposed to dispute her authority and shirk their work and he had also, on her behalf, successfully resisted their demand for higher wages. And, over and above all this, he had always considered her personal comfort.

Now, if you take into account that all this was to be worked out by a set of lazy, twaddling, shiftless laborers, who had grown up, all their lives, in the absence of every possible motive to learn how to do anything but 'shirk, as you Vermonters say, and you'll see that there might naturally be, on his plantation, a great many things that looked horrible and distressing to a sensitive child, like me.

"What do they think of but amusing themselves and shirking their duties as far as possible?" "Oh, I say, Doctor," Wilson exclaimed, astonished at this sudden attack, "what are you pitching into us like that for? That is not fair, is it, Major? We amuse ourselves, of course, when there is nothing else to do, but I am sure we don't shirk our work.