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When we have named charbon, septicaemia, diphtheria, typhoid fever, pork measles, etc., we shall have indicated the serious affections that microbes are capable of engendering in the animal organism. We call those diseases "parasitic" that are occasioned by the introduction of a living organism into the bodies of animals.

Septicaemia usually terminates fatally in from two to ten days. The treatment is largely preventive. Wounds should be given prompt attention. They should be freed from all foreign substances and washed with a disinfecting solution. A contused-lacerated wound should not be sutured if this interferes with the cleansing of it, and the escape of the wound secretions.

DISEASES RESEMBLING FOWL CHOLERA. There are a few diseases, such as septicaemia, limber neck and infectious enteritis, that are sometimes mistaken for fowl cholera. These diseases are caused by different microorganisms that may be found in the digestive tract and air-passages of healthy birds, insanitary conditions and decomposed feed, especially meat.

And now there's old Simpson down at the Base in charge of No. 12 General saving lives by hundreds and thousands. You know while the bullet slew its thousands, septicaemia has slain its tens of thousands. How did he stop it? Why, by doing the obvious, which, you may have observed, no one ever does till a wise man comes along. He got wounds to heal themselves.

For instance, a considerable number of different types of blood poisoning, septicaemia, pyaemia, gangrene, inflammation of wounds, or formation of pus from slight skin wounds indeed, a host of miscellaneous troubles, ranging all the way from a slight pus formation to a violent and severe blood poisoning all appear to be caused by bacteria, and it is impossible to make out any definite species associated with the different types of these troubles.

Complete rest is indicated. Laxatives, stimulants and tonics should be given if necessary. NEPHRITIS. Congestion and inflammation of the kidneys commonly occur in mixed and specific infectious diseases, such as septicaemia, pyaemia and influenza.

The bacteria that cause pyaemia are transferred by the blood stream to different organs and produce multiple abscesses. In septicaemia, the bacteria may occur in immense numbers in the blood and produce a general infection of the tissues, causing a parboiled appearance of the liver, heart, voluntary muscles and kidneys, and enlargement of the spleen.

What are the symptoms and post-mortem lesions in tuberculosis? Give the method of controlling tuberculosis. SEPTICAEMIA AND PYAEMIA. The term commonly used in speaking of simple septicaemia and pyaemia is blood poisoning. These infectious diseases are caused by several different species of bacteria that gain entrance to the tissues by way of wounds.

Various wound infections, including septicaemia, pyaemia, acute abscesses, ulcers, erysipelas, etc., are produced by a few forms of micrococci, resembling each other in many points but differing slightly.

All punctured wounds should be enlarged so as to permit of treatment and drainage. HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICAEMIA. An acute infectious disease of ruminants and swine, characterized by hemorrhages in the different body tissues that appear as small red spots or blotches. This bacillus probably enters the body tissues by way of the lining membrane of the intestinal and respiratory tracts.