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Then a belated thought struck me. Perhaps I should ask the owner for the job, or at any rate inform him that I had taken it. From The Press I found the publisher's name was E. L. Senn. I learned that he owned a long string of proof sheets. A monopoly out here on the raw prairie. Folks said he was close as the bark on a tree and heartless as a Wall Street corporation.

Toczyski's experiments with this drug on the normal eye indicate that it produces first a rise of tension, which shortly falls to the normal and sometimes below it, the tension being high as long as the primary narrowing of the pupil is maintained, but more than one author, particularly A. Senn, holds an opposite view and reports acute glaucoma following its instillation into a chronic glaucomatous eye.

The attitude is reasonable, although I am free to admit that she is carrying her legislation against foreigners too far." "What about the number of men she has under arms every year?" Monsieur Senn enquired. "Russia has always a possible danger to fear from China, the new Colossus of Asia," the Prime Minister pointed out.

According to Senn, Heusinger records the case of a sailor of twenty-three in whom all the nerves were affected by numerous nodular enlargements. Not a nerve in the entire body was found normal. The enlargement was caused by increase in the connective tissue, the axis-cylinders being normal. In this case there was neither pain nor tenderness.

With this encouragement I decided to ask for $10 a week. Myrtle had received only $8. Of course, I had no experience as a printer, but I explained to Mr. Senn my plans for pushing the business so that he would be able to afford that extra $2 a week. Of my experience as a typesetter I wisely said nothing. While I waited for the owner's reply I went on getting out the paper.

Senn spent from $2,000 to $3,000 worth of time at the cash value per hour of his time on his first day at home for four months, telling a half dozen newspaper men more than all the world, except himself and a score of specialists like him, know about the fearful disease.

Lieutenant-Colonel Senn, chief of the surgical operating staff, in a letter to the "Medical Record," dated "Siboney, August 3," disclaimed responsibility for the want of medical and surgical supplies in the field-hospitals, and said: "The lack of proper transportation from the landing to the front cannot be charged to the medical department."

Nicholas Senn, is an island possessing qualities of natural beauty and climatic excellence, which it is impossible to rate too highly. "I seemed to be transported into the garden of Eden," said Bougainville in 1768.

It has amused me more than once to thwart his schemes. I intended to set you upon your guard. You see, it is very simple. Mademoiselle Senn wrote me at first that she did not know you and that she feared you were inaccessible. Then she wired me of an accidental meeting and that she had delivered my message. The whole affair is simpler than it seemed, is it not so?... Now listen.

"Monsieur Senn," he declared, "the spirit of militarism is in the blood of your country. You cannot rid yourself of it in one generation or two. But, believe me, no people's government at any time in the future, whether it be English, Russian, German, or American, will ever dare to suggest or even to dream of a war of aggression or revenge.