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Haddon had a proper sense of her public duties, a due appreciation of the extent of Dick's wickedness, and a full knowledge of her own inefficiency as a scourger. She looked down and debated anxiously with herself, carefully avoiding Dick's eye, and Dick watched her all the time, but did not speak a word or make a single plea. 'Can't I beat my own boy? she asked angrily.

Daumier was the artistic progenitor of the Caran d'Aches, the Forains who was it that called Forain "Degas en caricature"? Willettes, and Toulouse-de-Lautrecs. He was a political pamphleteer, a scourger of public scamps, and a pictorial muck-raker of genius. His mockery of the classic in art was later paralleled by Offenbach in La Belle Hélène. But there were other sides to his genius.

In New South Wales the number of officers in the cat-o'-nine tails department was about thirty. The danger attached to the office consisted in the certainty of the scourger being murdered by the scourgee, if ever the opportunity was given. Joe Kermode had once been a hutkeeper on a station.

There was not a week that he had not some of my unhappy fellow-servants before a magistrate, often for the most trivial faults a word, a look and had them flogged by sentence of the court, by the scourger of the district, till the blood streamed from their backs.

The sentence of the court was carried out by a scourger, sometimes called flagellator, or flogger. The office of scourger was usually held by a convict; it meant promotion in the Government service, and although there was some danger connected with it, there was always a sufficient number of candidates to fill vacancies.

He did his best, but that was not good enough for the squatter, who took him to a magistrate, and had him flogged by the official scourger. While serving his sentence of seven years he was flogged four times; three of the times he said he had "done nothing," and for the fourth flogging he confessed to me that he had "done something," but he did not say what the "something" was.

"In the first place you were technically right in saying that there is not one word in any sacred writing or in the pronouncements of the Pontiffs or the statutes of the Vestals to forbid a flogged Vestal from beating her scourger.

However, you need no Lycurgus to tell you; you can surely see for yourself that, if one of these men were captured in war, no tortures would wring a Spartan secret out of him; he would take his scourging with a smile, and try whether the scourger would not be tired sooner than the scourged. An.

They believe in rod, the scourger almighty, creator of hell upon earth, and in Jacky Tar, the son of a gun, who was conceived of unholy boast, born of the fighting navy, suffered under rump and dozen, was scarified, flayed and curried, yelled like bloody hell, the third day he arose again from the bed, steered into haven, sitteth on his beamend till further orders whence he shall come to drudge for a living and be paid.

Marshaller of Griffith's war array; The scourger of the flattering race, For them a dagger has his face; Each traitor false he loves to smite, A lion is he for deeds of might; Soon may he tear, like lion grim, All the Lloegrians limb from limb! May God and Rome's blest father high Deck him in surest panoply! Hail to the valiant carnager, Worthy three diadems to bear!