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The costumes of the women are wonderful, full of complexities; you have to turn them around before you can tell if she is a man or a woman; they wear hats like a coal-carrier in England, pantaloons, an apron, and well! the Countess had a woman brought to the schloss and undressed, so that we could see how she was dressed. I ought to send a photograph, because I can never describe her.

Some weeks ago, she was, by the Austrian Commandant at Neisse, summoned out of this Schloss, as in correspondence with Prussian Officers: peasants breaking in, tied her with ropes to the bed where she was; put bed and her into a farm-cart, and in that scandalous manner delivered her at Neisse to the Commandant; by which adventure, and its rages and unspeakabilities, the poor old Callenberg is since dead.

Yearly he made his own revenues, and his people's along with them and as the source of them, larger: and in all states of his revenue, he had contrived to make his expenditure less than it; and yearly saved masses of coin, and "reposited them in barrels in the cellars of his Schloss," where they proved very useful, one day. Much in Friedrich Wilhelm proved useful, beyond even his expectations.

The church had been burned to the ground, as well as the schloss; and of the cottages and vineyards almost all had been beaten to pieces. There were now church, schloss, cottages, and vineyards all blooming and fresh, as if no such calamity had ever overtaken them.

We passed through the village, which had but one street, irregular and narrow, and we were in constant danger of running over the shoals of little children who stood stupidly in the middle of it, gazing at us with open eyes and mouth. The Schloss is a very large, square building, with rounded towers in the four corners.

Every farmhouse and peasant's hut, every village, every schloss even, was searched for the wounded French officer, the Austrians assisting; but if Gaston Cheverny had vanished from the earth, he could not have disappeared more completely. I acknowledged that for the first week nay for two weeks I was not seriously alarmed.

The Berlin court, though by no means so brilliant at first sight and far smaller, since the most I ever saw in any gathering in the Imperial Schloss at the German capital was about fifteen hundred, was really much more attractive, its greater interest arising from the presence of persons distinguished in every field. While at St.

He had hard work in weaning Portlaw from his Rhine castles, for the other invariably met his objections by quoting in awful German: "Hast du das Schloss gesehen Das hohe Schloss am Meer?" pronounced precisely as though the words were English.

Like other buildings of the kind which we had passed in our tour, the schloss at Burgstein resembles a manufactory much more than a nobleman's palace; for it stands close to the high road, is roofed over with flaring red tiles, and shows in its dazzling white front a prodigious number of small windows.

The best varieties are: Hochheimer: A light, pleasing and wholesome wine. Brauneberger: A good variety with pleasing flavor and aroma. Dreimanner: Similar to Brauneberger. Deidesheimer: Similar to Brauneberger. Graffenberg: Light and pleasant. Good aroma. Johannisberger Schloss: One of the best of the German wines. Rudesheimer Schloss: In class with Johannisberger.