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High on the mighty fells the great glaciers unchanging, almost, as the "everlasting hills" gleamed in the sunlight against the azure sky, and sent floods of water down into the brimming rivers. The scalds ceased, to some extent, those wild legendary songs and tales with which they had beguiled the winter nights, and joined the Norsemen in their operations on the farms and on the fiords.

Many of the Vikings were themselves Scalds, and excelled, as might be expected, in the composition of war songs. The Pagan belief of this formidable race was in harmony with all their thoughts and habits, and the exact opposite of Christianity.

Dip into this mixture, slips of moderately thin linen, and let them dry; or spread it thin and evenly over them. The following is a highly esteemed method of curing scalds or burns.

His compact little library contained a common-sense treatise on the care of burns, scalds, cuts, fractures and the few minor physical diseases that sailors are heir to, and in accordance with immemorial custom he, as master of the ship, was the custodian of the medicine chest. So he washed the gore from his face, disinfected his split lip and patched himself up after a fashion.

Is the wound dangerous to life? This question can only be answered by a full consideration of all the circumstances of the case; a guarded prognosis is wise in all cases. =Burns= are caused by flames, highly heated solids, or very cold solids, as solid carbonic acid; scalds, by steam or hot fluids.

But of course that was nonsense; it would only make him sick. He sat down, and determinedly set himself to thinking. The effort finally brought fruit and of a kind which gave him a very unhappy quarter of an hour. The lover part of him was uppermost now, insistently exposing all its raw surfaces to the stings and scalds of jealousy.

The application of the lunar caustic in recent burns or scalds, has always appeared to me to increase the inflammation and vesication, even inducing blisters where there were none before.

His guests had been drinking deeply, and the gray haired scalds had been singing and reciting until a late hour. But at last Olaf was left alone beside the fire, with the doors locked. He sat in his oaken chair gazing into the glowing wood upon the hearth. Suddenly the door swung wide open, and a blast of cold night air came in.

The same female bard descended, possibly, from those terrible old Scalds who seem to have existed for the express purpose of addling the brains of mankind when they begin to investigate languages made a standing pretence which greatly assisted in forcing me back to a number of hideous places that I would by all means have avoided.

Flint's scalds. She's, beyond my control, and the days when a slipper could make her mind. I wisht to God there was a father! I wisht to God!" Her voice trailed off and down a rear flight of stairs.