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Such may be made quite palatable in salads. Cut the melon into strips; then remove the skin; cut the eatable part into pieces, and send to table with a plain dressing. MINT SALAD. This is an egg salad with the addition of six leaves of mint chopped fine, serve with a plain dressing, and with or after cold roast lamb. ORANGE SALADS. Peel and slice three oranges that have been on ice.

Cauliflower is a very delicate and highly prized form of cabbage, but cabbage itself can be so cooked as to strongly resemble it. Onions are next in value, being much milder and sweeter when grown in a warm climate, but used chiefly as a flavoring. Lettuce and Celery are especially valuable; the former for salads, the latter to be eaten without dressing though it is excellent cooked.

She would soon be liking salads with garlic and Roquefort cheese in the dressing. She was mounting with splendid assiduity toward the cigarette and the high-ball. There was no stopping Kedzie. She kept rising on stepping-stones of her dead selves. Landladies are ladder-rungs of progress, too; Kedzie's history might have been traced by hers.

The cream, called nata, is much sweeter and thicker than any I ever saw in England; their eggs much exceed ours; and so all sorts of salads, and roots, and fruits.

Various combinations can be used in the form of salads, and the most satisfactory dressing is probably a combination of olive oil and lemon juice. I do not recommend vinegar partly because it is seldom pure, and one never can tell what combination of chemicals it contains. Lemon juice is preferable even to the best vinegar for the purpose of salad dressing.

"I think of it, too, when the dinner checks and the supper checks come in. Jessica, we just simply can't stand it!" Jessica frowned and sighed. "I know, dear; but when the car did n't cost anything " "Well, lobster salads and chicken patties cost something," mentioned the man grimly. "I know it; but it seems so so selfish to go all by ourselves with those empty seats behind us.

The Marquis Melani had, with characteristic oddity, divided his two classical refreshment-rooms into what he termed the Light and Heavy Departments. Fruit, pastry, sweetmeats, salads, and harmless drinks were included under the first head, and all the stimulating liquors and solid eatables under the last.

A well known herb in common use, but is not in cultivation, although it is one of our best salads. WILLOW-HERB. Epilobium angustifolium. The young shoots of these are eaten as asparagus.

James had been so well-behaved that morning it was only logical for her to anticipate that he was about to abolish at one fell stroke all his hard-earned merits. "About eating salads. We never used to put oil on our tomatoes. Sugar and vinegar were good enough." "Sugar and vinegar are not nourishing; olive-oil is." "We seemed to hike along all right before we learned that."

They are sad savages in the kitchen; they put mushroom ketchup into their soup, and mustard and cayenne pepper into their salads. I am half-starved at dinner-time, but I don't complain." Every word he said was an offense to me. With or without reason, I attacked him again. "I have heard you acknowledge that the landlord and landlady are very obliging people," I said.