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The common single variety produces seed in great abundance, but the improved double varieties are sparing in produce: the fine kinds of this flower are reared by layers put down about the month of July; they may also be propagated by cuttings, but the other is the most eligible and certain mode. EPILOBIUM angustifolium. A plant of singular ornament.

But it does not appear that the antisiphylitic powers of Lobelia have been confirmed by any instances of European practice. Woodville's Med. Bot. p. 251. LYTHRUM Salicaria. WILLOW HERB. The Herb. D. This is used internally in dropsies, obstinate gleets, and leucorrhoea. Similar Plants. Epilobium palustre; Epilob. angustifolium; Epilob. hirsutum. MALVA sylvestris. COMMON MALLOW. Herb.

The only answer is, I believe, that both species are continually trying to go ahead; but that the other plants already in front of them are too strong for them, and massacre their infants as soon as born. And this brings us to another curious question: the sudden and abundant appearance of plants, like the foxglove and Epilobium angustifolium, in spots where they have never been seen before.

Even the white spots on the leaflets have proved to be constant characters corresponding with noticeable differences in yield. Flax is another instance. It was already cultivated, or at least made use of during the period of the lake-dwellers, but at that time it was a species referred to as Linum angustifolium, and not the Linum usitatissimum, which is our present day flax.

A well known herb in common use, but is not in cultivation, although it is one of our best salads. WILLOW-HERB. Epilobium angustifolium. The young shoots of these are eaten as asparagus.