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But the fact that he had quitted Agra for such a purpose produced a revulsion in the thought and actions of Prince Salím. As his father could not come to him, he determined to repair, slightly attended, to the court of his father. There he made his submission, but he did not mend his ways, and his disputes with his eldest son, Prince Khusrú, became the scandal of the court.

They ate their sufficiency and the tray was taken away, the sailors thinking the while that this liberal entertainment came from Salim. When a third part of the night was past, Judar set sweetmeats before them and Salim served them, whilst his two brothers sat with the guests, till they sought to sleep. When it was the Six Hundred and Seventeenth Night, Said she, "Do ye wake him."

I readily submitted to this proposal, and went to Soolo, to stay there till the return of one of those messengers. This afforded me a favourable opportunity of receiving what money Salim Daucari could spare me on Dr. Laidley's account.

Rájpútána never produced greater or larger-minded princes than Bhagwán Dás and his nephew. Their intimate union with Akbar contributed more than any other circumstance to reconcile the Rájpúts to the predominance of the Mughal. The union was further cemented by the marriage, already referred to, between Prince Salím and a daughter of Bhagwán Dás.

There were but few Arabs in Unyanyembe when we arrived, as they were investing the stronghold of Mirambo. About a week after our return, "the little mannikin," Sheikh Sayd bin Salim El Wali who was the commander-in-chief of their forces, came to Kwihara from the front. But the little Sheikh was in no great hurry to greet the man he had wronged so much.

Said they, "The secret shall be kept, O our mother, but teach us the manner of this." So she taught them the fashion thereof and they fell to putting their hands into the saddle bags and taking forth whatever they had a mind to. But Judar knew naught of this. Then quoth Salim privily to Salim, "O my brother, how long shall we abide with Judar servant wise and eat of his alms?

After stating that Akbar had had two sons, twins, neither of whom had lived, he goes on to say that Shaikh Salím Chisti, who resided at Síkrí, twenty-two miles to the south-west of Agra, had promised him a son who should survive.

"I hope you bear no grudge against me," said Salim to Alberdin; "but if you had been willing to wait for thirteen years, you and Phedo might have fought on equal terms. As it is now, it would have been as hard for him to conquer you, as for you to conquer the syndicate. The odds would have been quite as great." "Don't mention it," said Alberdin. "I prefer things as they are.

On the morrow, they brake their fast after the same fashion, and thus they fared ten days, at the end of which time quoth Salim to Salim, "How cometh it that our brother setteth before us a banquet in the morning, a banquet at noon, and a banquet at sundown, besides sweetmeats late at night, and all that is left he giveth to the poor? Verily, this is the fashion of Sultans.

"In mine," said Salim "and after thou hast eaten of my victual, thou shalt be the guest of my brother." Then he rubbed the ring and the Marid presented himself, saying, "Adsum! Ask what thou wilt." Quoth Salim, "Take my brother Salim and put him to death and carry forth the two bodies, the poisoned and the slaughtered, and cast them down before the troops."