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I admonished him: "The poor slaves got little from this city of dervishes, now and then a little barley-meal, or lived almost altogether on a few dates. It was not surprising they stole to satisfy the cravings of hunger." Berka the liberated slave of Makouran, and Said's intimate friend, now came in, dressed up in his holiday clothes. He asked for Said.

The other negress, a wife of another of the servants, was quite dumb; but Saïd's wife crept around the tent like a dog, on her hands and feet, giving the alarm, but fearing to rise up lest she should be felled down by the robbers. The servants of the Germans hearing the squalling thought it was Saïd "beating his wife" a thing common in these countries. Dr.

The expedient that had been adopted in Said's case was justifiable while he remained a younger son with no immediate prospect of succeeding to the leadership of the tribe there had always been the hope that Omar's wife would eventually provide an heir but as events had turned out it had been a mistake, totally unfitting him for the part he was now called upon to play.

Once Micky gave his word, what call had he to come four mile through such a fog?" "That's the whole tale, then?" said Uncle Mo, after reflection. "Onlest you can call to mind something you've forgot, Master Micky." "Not a half a word, Mr. Moses. If there had a been, I'd have made you acquainted, and no lies. And all I said's ackerate, and to rely on."

The older men the headmen in particular more prejudiced still, who, like Mukair Ibn Zarrarah, had centred all their hopes on Omar, were beginning to comprehend that their fears of Said's rule were unfounded and that his long sojourn among the hated dominant race had neither impaired his courage nor fostered practices abhorrent to them.

Craven thought of the life led by the Spahi in Algiers, and during periods of leave in Paris, and contrasted it with the life that was lying before him, a changed and very different existence. He foresaw the difficulties that would have to be met, the problems that would arise, and above all he understood Said's chief objection the marriage from which his misogynous soul recoiled.

He was never happy in narrative unless it could be sprinkled with a plentiful supply of "he said's" and "she said's." He finished with some gusto. "She said I am aweary, aweary, I would that I was dead."

Not, I mean, to go into all as to when and how grandmamma told me about it, with 'she said's' and 'I said's. Besides, it would not be quite correct to tell it that way, for as a matter of fact I did not understand everything then as I do now that I am several years older, and it would be difficult not to mix up what I have since come to know with the ideas I then had ideas which were in some ways mistaken and childish.

Wills, deeds, and other documents likely to be haled into court need "whereas's" and "wherefores" and "said's" and "same's" without end, but ordinary business letters do not. And yet reputable business houses every day send out letters which are almost ridiculous because of the stiff and pompous way they are written.

This was rather tame sport; but next day I had better fun. Starting in the early morning, accompanied by two of Sheikh Said's boys, Suliman and Faraj, each carrying a rifle, while I carried a shot-gun, we followed a footpath to the westward in the wilderness of Mgunda Mkhali.