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Now there was not a man in the Church save this Jew, for all the others were hearing the preachment which the Abbot made. And when this Jew perceived that he was alone, he began to think within himself and say. This is the body of that Ruydiez the Cid. whom they say no man in the world ever took by the beard while he lived ... I will take him by the beard now, and see what he can do to me.

And greatly did they marvel when they saw the body of the Cid Ruydiez how fair it was, for he seemed rather alive than dead. And they moved on from Santesteban, towards San Pedro de Cardena. Great was the concourse of people to see the Cid Ruydiez coming in that guise.

XV. Gil Diaz did his best endeavour to fulfil all that his Lord the Cid Ruydiez had commanded him, and to serve Dona Ximena and her companions truly and faithfully; and this he did so well, that she was well pleased with his faithfulness.

And Gil Diaz gave order that when he died they should bury him by that good horse Bavieca, whom he had loved so well. XVI. Four years after the Cid had departed that noble lady Dona Ximena departed also, she who had been the wife of that noble baron the Cid Ruydiez, the Campeador. At that time Don Garcia Tellez was Abbot of the Monastery, a right noble monk, and a great hidalgo.

If we should wish to tell you how every one behaved himself in this battle, it is a thing which could not be done, for all did so well that no man can relate their feats. And the Cid Ruydiez did go well, and made such mortality among the Moors, that the blood ran from his wrist to his elbow! great pleasure had he in his horse Bavieca that day, to find himself so well mounted.

Now my Cid knew the evil disposition of the King toward him, and when he received his bidding he made answer that he would meet him between Burgos and Bivar. And the King went out from Burgos and came nigh unto Bivar; and the Cid came up to him and would have kissed his hand, but the King withheld it, and said angrily unto him, "Ruydiez, quit my land."

When the company of the Cid departed from the Siete Aguas, they held their way by short journeys. And the Cid went alway upon his horse Bavieca, as they had brought him out from Valencia, save only that he wore no arms, but was clad in right noble garments, Great was the concourse of people to see the Cid Ruydiez coming in that guise.

I am Ruydiez, the Cid of Bivar! Many a shield was pierced that day, and many a false corselet was broken, and many a white streamer dyed with blood, and many a horse left without a rider. The Misbelievers called on Mahomet, and the Christians on Santiago, and the noise of the tambours and of the trumpets was so great that none could hear his neighbour.

And when this was done he offered to the Monastery two hundred pieces of gold for the soul of his forefather the Cid, and returned into his kingdom of Navarre, and did no more evil at that time in the realm of Castille. This good service the Cid Ruydiez did to Castille after his death.

Then the King turned to the Cid, and said, I thank thee, Ruydiez, that thou hast given me thy daughters for the Infantes of Carrion: and here I give them to the Infantes to be their brides; I give them and not you, and I pray God that it may please him, and that you also may have great joy herein.