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It was really Rupert's hitherto unconquered cavalry which was thus borne down by Cromwell's horse. p. 216, l. 4. A posset was a drink of milk curdled with an acid liquid. p. 219, l. 40. The Grisons are the people of one of the Swiss Cantons. p. 222, l. 36. Newcastle was not retaken by Rupert. p. 230, l. 8.

He's so used to her in the drawing-room, and perhaps she doesn't mind about the children." "I'm sure she doesn't," said John, for he thought she had a silly face. This was when John and Rupert went to the Grammar School in the town, while the girls did their lessons with Mildred Caniper in the schoolroom of Pinderwell House.

Scarcely were the tents pitched than Rupert heard himself heartily saluted, and looking round, saw his friends Lord Fairholm and Sir John Loveday, who being already in camp had at once sought him out. "By my faith, Master Holliday, the three months have done wonders for you; you look every inch a soldier," Lord Fairholm said.

In the remote parts of his being there was the capacity for the phenomenal, the strange. Once again, as in the church, he saw the field of Naseby, King Charles, Ireton's men, Cromwell and his Ironsides, Prince Rupert and the swarming rush of cavalry, and the end of it all! Had it been a tale of his father's at camp-fire? Had he read it somewhere? He felt his blood thump in his veins.

The smashing of glass and the clatter of hoofs on the pavement filled in what space was left in his mind for other impressions. "She's into the hat shop!" said Mr. Rupert Gunning to himself in the window of the club, recognising his recent purchase and the full measure of the calamity in one and the same moment.

Ricky had developed an interest in the garden and had accepted the loan of Sam's eldest son, an earth-brown child about as tall as the spade, to help her mess about. Rupert spent the largest part of his days shut up in Bluebeard's chamber. Which of course left the horse to Val. And Val was becoming slightly bored with Louisiana, at least with that portion of it which immediately surrounded them.

But I have got a football in my cabin, and once or twice we have had games at Suakim, and very good fun it was too." "No news, I suppose, Clinton?" Easton asked, sitting up. Rupert shook his head. "Not a word. We hear very little of what is going on above us, and the natives who do come in lie so, there's no believing a word they say.

He was speaking quietly, and laughing every now and then, up there among the leaves and stars. After a silence mingled with this murmur, Rupert Grant suddenly said, "My God!" with a violent voice. "What's the matter are you hurt?" I cried, alarmed. "No. Listen to Basil," said the other in a very strange voice. "He's not talking to himself." "Then he is talking to us," I cried.

Hour after hour she urged her good horse forward, and as it was fine dry weather, the usual muddy, unkept roads were comparatively easy to travel, and she had accomplished a good portion of the journey before the evening closed in. She halted at a little village where the people were in a terribly frightened condition on account of the doings of Prince Rupert in the neighbourhood.

"Dash it all!" he soliloquised. "I can't enlighten old Rupert just now. Revelations must come later if, as he remarked, we do come out of this business alive." About four o'clock in the afternoon the irritating rifle fire ceased.