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Rufinus' wife, a frail, ailing little woman, with a small face and rather hollow cheeks, who must once have been very attractive and engaging, might have passed for his daughter; she was, in fact, twenty years younger than her husband. It was evident that she had suffered much in the course of her life, but had taken it patiently and all for the best.

The shortest way is through the hedge again." "No," said Paula firmly, "you are no longer a child; you are grown up, and must feel it and show it. You are not to creep through the bushes, but to go home by the gate. Rufinus and I will go with you and explain to your mother..." "No, no!" cried Katharina in terror. "She is as angry with you as she is with them. Only yesterday she forbid..."

Philippus must now be with Mary and, with the leech's aid, he was resolved to get the child away from his mother's house. Not till he felt that she was safe with Paula in Rufinus' house, could he be free to attempt the enterprise which floated before his eyes.

All the evil things that were said by his enemies of Rufinus were said of Eutropius by his enemies; but in reading of the enormities of the latter we must make great allowance for the general prejudice existing against a person with Eutropius' physical disqualifications.

Augustine's Attitude The Recognition of the Sacredness of the Body by Tertullian, Rufinus and Athanasius The Reformation The Sexual Instinct regarded as Beastly The Human Sexual Instinct Not Animal-like Lust and Love The Definition of Love Love and Names for Love Unknown in Some Parts of the World Romantic Love of Late Development in the White Race The Mystery of Sexual Desire Whether Love is a Delusion The Spiritual as Well as the Physical Structure of the World in Part Built up on Sexual Love The Testimony of Men of Intellect to the Supremacy of Love.

"Give me four more legs in addition to my own two, or a machine to make time longer than it is, and then I will take new patients-otherwise no! Tell the fellow. . . ." "No, not sick. . . ." interrupted the negro. "Come long way. Gardener to Greek man Rufinus." Philippus started: he could guess what this messenger had to say, and his heart sank with dread as he desired that he might be shown in.

"That is true sometimes, no doubt; still, gratitude is a tribute on which no wise man ever reckons. Now I have told you enough; for the sake of Philippus we will let the rest pass." "No, no," said Paula putting up entreating hands, and Rufinus answered gaily: "Who can refuse you anything? I will cut it short, but you must pay good heed. Well then Man is the standard of all things.

"They are one again; and henceforth there will be endless going and coming between the governor's house and that of Rufinus. A very pretty game! But wait, only wait." And she set her little white teeth; but she retained enough self-possession to mark all that took place.

Yet even modern writers, who know well how cautiously Claudian must be used, have been unconsciously prejudiced in favor of Stilicho and against Rufinus. We must return to the movements of Alaric, who had entered the regions of classical Greece, for which he showed scant respect.

They carefully spared certain estates outside the city, belonging to the prefect Rufinus, but this policy does not seem to have been adopted with the same motive that caused Archidamus to spare the lands of Pericles. Alaric may have wished not to render Rufinus suspected, but to conciliate his friendship and obtain thereby more favorable terms.