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With nothing particularly pleasant to say to the Robinsons, Garrison approached a center-table and turned the pages of a book. Dorothy was back in a moment. "I'll go down to the door," she said. Garrison said good-night to the Robinsons, who answered curtly. He closed the door upon them as he left the room. Dorothy had hastened to the stairs before him, and continued down to the hall.

The Robinsons was what Peter T. called 'exclusive. They didn't mix much with the rest of the bunch, but kept to themselves in their rooms, partic'lar when a fresh net full of boarders was hauled aboard. Then they seemed to take an observation of every arrival afore they mingled; questioned the pedigree and statistics of all hands, and acted mighty suspicious.

The Smiths, Joneses, Browns, and Robinsons also came, in that fine flow of animal spirits, unchecked by any respect for the entertainer, which most of us are apt to find so fascinating. The proceedings would have been somewhat riotous, but for the social position of the actors. In fact, Mr.

Markham was gruff with the Robinsons for some time after and was even heard to mutter something about worshipping the rising sun, an act of idolatry of which he could not be accused, since it was in the most grudging manner that he allowed, that Mr. Morville's sole anxiety seemed to be to continue all Sir Guy had undertaken; while Mrs.

I have never heard a word of him or his since that day, and sincerely trust that the baby was none the worse for the little accident in the box. And now I had the prospect of a week before me at Suez, and the Robinsons had not been gone half an hour before I began to feel that I should have been better off even at Cairo.

It took me from Oxford Circus to Portman Square to convince her that there were many thousands of Robinsons in London and that the probability of the butcher's cart being a clue to Harry's whereabouts was exceedingly remote. At Baker Street station she asked, wearily: "Is it still far to your house?" "No," said I, encouragingly. "Not very far."

Hilary, stretching his slender length wearily in Peter's fat arm-chair, was saying in his high, sweet voice: "It's the merest pittance, Peter, yours and mine. The Robinsons have it practically all. The Robinsons. Really, you know ..." The sweet voice had a characteristic, vibrating break of contempt. Hilary had always hated the Robinsons, who now had it practically all.

When she gave herself to Imlay without waiting for a minister's blessing or a legal permit, she acted in strict adherence to her moral ideals; and this at once places her in a far different rank from that of the Mrs. Robinsons and Mrs. Jordans, with whom men have been too ready to class her.

Or, it may have been simply that he was too frightened and rattled to know just what he was writing." "Know anything of him?" "Only what the directory tells, and directories don't deal in really intimate details of biography, you know. There's quite an assortment of William H. Robinsons, but the one who lives at the Caronia appears to be a commission merchant on Pearl Street.

"Yes, Pencroft, since you have so christened it." "Good! as for the others, that will be easy," returned the sailor, who was in high spirits. "Let us give them names, as the Robinsons did, whose story Herbert has often read to me; Providence Bay, Whale Point, Cape Disappointment!" "Or, rather, the names of Captain Harding," said Herbert, "of Mr. Spilett, of Neb!