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The weirdness and the mystery wore off, and I began to enjoy myself tremendously. The conditions were simply ideal; indeed, they were perfect, for the sentimental songs that soldiers always like best. Imagine how "Roamin' in the Gloamin'" went that nicht! I had meant to sing three or four songs. But instead I sang nearly every song I knew.

"I aim to settle down and quit my roamin', John." "And your marrying, too, I hope, you old rascal!" "Yes, this one will be my last, I reckon. I don't mind, though; I've had doin's enough with women in my day." "Is she a good looker, Dad?" "Well, I've seen purtier ones and I've seen uglier ones, John. No, she ain't what you might call stylish, I guess, but she's all right for me.

His face was coarse and hard, his eyes, as he peered about in search of her, were "shifty," she assured herself. His hands were large and crudely fashioned. "'Pears like 'most ev'ry one is roamin' 'round my land to-day," she thought. "I wonder what this one is up to, thar?"

"Yeou hain't got no business, nevertheless, to be roamin' araound outside o' picket; but seein' as it's yeou, I reckon yeou may trot along!" I offered to exchange my information for a biscuit and a drop of coffee, for I was wellnigh worn out; while one of the privates produced a canteen more wholesome than cleanly, another gave me a lump of fat pork and a piece of corn bread.

I was recognized at once. "Well, here's old Harry Lauder!" cried one braw laddie. "Come on, Harry gie us a song!" they shouted. "Let's have 'Roamin' in the Gloamin', Harry! Gie us the Bonnie Lassie! We ha' na' heard 'The Laddies Who Fought and Won, Harry. They tell us that's a braw song!" We were not really supposed to give any roadside concerts that day, but how was I to resist them?

I spoke to Josiah about this and he agreed with me, though he took the occasion to bring in Coney Island, much to my shagrin. "I wish," sez he, "I wish we could stop off somewheres and git a hot dog." "A hot dog?" sez I, consternation showin' in my foretop. "Don't you know that dogs roamin' round loose and overhet in this sultry weather is apt to git mad and bite you?"