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It may form a ring encircling the part, or it may be limited to the lateral surface of the joint. The bony enlargement may be so small as to be detected only by a careful examination. Ring-bone may occur on any of the feet, but it is said to be more common in the front feet. The predisposing cause of ring-bone is faulty conformation.

"Whither has he gone?" the men demanded, gathering round me where I stooped to feel my horse's forelegs. And I satisfied myself the puffiness was due to neither splint nor ring-bone before I answered. There was just a little glimmer of the false dawn, and what with that and the dying fires we could all see well enough. I could see trouble out of both eyes.

As a last resort boots and button rings may be used for the purpose of preventing serious injury to that part which is struck by the foot. Not all ring-bones involve the articular surfaces. The periarticular, or false ring-bone, is a chronic inflammation of the bone near the articular surface. The bony enlargement varies in size.

A halting gait may also be produced by the abnormal development of a member, or by the shortening of the leg occasioned by the loss of a shoe. For descriptive purposes lameness may be classified as true and false. True lameness is such as is occasioned by structural or functional defects of some part of the apparatus of locomotion, such as would be caused by spavin, ring-bone, or tendinitis.

Stiff joints are occasioned by anchylosis, or the deposit of calcareous or osseous matter within the ligament or around the head of the bone, which latter defect is known as ring-bone in the horse. 'Treatment'. Stimulating friction to the parts, such as spirits of camphor, or camphorated liniment, mercurial ointment, tincture of iodine, opodeldoc, blistering, c.

What class of horses most commonly have strained tendons? Give the causes and treatment of this form of lameness. Give the treatment of contracted tendons in the new-born colt. Give the causes for interfering. What are the different forms of ring-bone? Give the causes and treatment of ring-bone. It may be divided into three parts, the insensitive and sensitive structures and the bony core.

It may be noticed in animals that have ring-bone, or coffin-joint lameness. The most common cause for this unsoundness is inflammation of the muscles and tendons of the flexors of the digit. As a result of long standing or severe inflammation, shortening of these structures occurs in consequence of the contraction of the inflammatory or cicatricial tissue.