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This periarticular swelling should produce and maintain a constant pressure over the entire affected parts for a sufficient length of time until normal tone is re-established. In some cases, swelling does not develop as the result of a single injection of iodin.

Periarticular ringbone may, because of the size and location of the exostosis, constitute a condition which cannot be relieved in any way in one case, and in another, because of the manner of distribution of such osseous deposits, the condition may be such that prompt recovery will follow proper treatment.

At best, one can only hope for partial recovery, that is to say, the member may regain its usefulness as a weight-supporting part, but because of restricted or abolished joint function, locomotion is more or less difficult. Exostoses, articular and periarticular, occur and the carpus usually becomes a large immobile articulation.

Lameness which typifies ringbone is of the supporting-leg variety and by compelling the subject to step from side to side, marked flinching is observed, especially in periarticular ringbone; causing the affected animal to turn abruptly on the diseased member, using it as a pivot, likewise accentuates the manifestation.

He considers ringbone as articular, periarticular, rachitic and traumatic. A mode of classification that is common and in a practical way, good, is, high and low ringbone. When prognosis is considered, for instance, it is very convenient to state that the chances for recovery are much better in high ringbone than in low ringbone. The classification of Möller will be followed here. Symptomatology.

That ligamentous injuries owing to sprain frequently occur and attendant periarticular inflammations with subsequent hypertrophic changes follow, is a logical inference. Fibrillary fracture of the collateral ligaments may take place in falls or when animals make violent efforts to maintain their footing on slippery streets.

In older animals, where there exists similar conditions, with respect to their being worn from fatigue and, in addition, periarticular inflammatory organizations, arthritis is not of uncommon occurrence. Symptomatology. In true arthritis there exists a very painful affection which is characterized by manifestations of distress.

As a last resort boots and button rings may be used for the purpose of preventing serious injury to that part which is struck by the foot. Not all ring-bones involve the articular surfaces. The periarticular, or false ring-bone, is a chronic inflammation of the bone near the articular surface. The bony enlargement varies in size.

Neurectomy is not indicated even though there is a recurrence of lameness, unless the lameness is not pronounced and inflammation is periarticular and no osseous enlargements mechanically interfere with function of the joint. There are few cases then, where neurectomy is materially helpful. Ossification of the Cartilages of the Third Phalanx. Anatomy and Function of the Cartilages.

In several instances, the author has treated ringbone by this method where the periarticular type existed and lameness was marked, and in three weeks the subjects were in service and not lame this, in one instance in a valuable polo pony where the subject continued in service for more than a year without any evidence of recurrence of the lameness.