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"Oppose them! Holy smoke, man, you don't think I'd sit here with my hands folded and let a lot of rascally mestizos wreck my property, do you?" "I should remarg idt not," puffed Herr Geisler. "But, sir, there are only five of us here. How long do you suppose we could stick it out?" "Till der lastd oldt cat be dead, py chiminy!" exploded the German. "Herr Merrill, you are all righd.

The crowd understood Peter's remark as they would have understood nothing else. They understood that besides those rifles and bayonets there was something else not to be trifled with. So in this case, it was not wasted. And Mr. Bohlmann, Christian though he was, as he read his paper that evening cried, "Och! Dod Beder Stirling he always does say chust der righd ding!"

"Oh, dunder und blitzen!" panted Hans. "Dot vos a shook! Uf I don't ged avay oud uf here righd off, I peen gone grazy! I don'd vant any shook in mine!" "It is some fellow playing a joke on us," said Harvey Dare, angrily. "Some one has concealed himself in there. Bring the light, fellows, and we will soon find out."

He stared dumbly, first at Mr. Czenki, then at Mr. Schultze. There was not even incredulity in the look, only faint amazement that two such well-balanced men should have gone mad at once. At last the German importer turned upon him flatly. "Why don'd you ged egzited aboud id, Laadham?" he demanded. "He iss all righd, nod crazy," he added with whimsical assurance.

"That was a month ago," said the wife, solemnly. "He sharped the razor onct," said Mrs. Lieders, "but he said it was for to shave him, and I got him to promise to let the barber shave him sometime, instead. Here, Mrs. Olsen, you go righd in, the door aint locked." By this time they were at the house door.

Maybe I try to take advantage of you and show you what dey call fools gold what mineralogists call pyrites of iron? No? It aindt dat? Vell, let me ask you vun question den am I righd or am I wrong?" "You're right, old man," returned Denver eagerly as he held a specimen to the light; and when he looked up Bunker Hill was gone.