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The best Ribston pippins, some people say the only real Ribston pippins, in all Rufford are to be found here, and its Burgundy pears and walnuts are almost equally celebrated. There are rumours also that its roses beat everything in the way of roses for ten miles round. But in these days very few strangers are admitted to see the Hoppet Hall roses.

Fay was allowed classes and visiting governesses, but their father could never bring himself to spare either of them to the regular discipline of school, and Cousin Amelia bewailed the desultory training of Anthony's children. In 1905, Jan and Fay had been to a party at Ribston Hall: tea in the garden followed by a pastoral play.

I am no advocate for image worship, as I believe the reader will elsewhere sufficiently find; but I am very sure that the Protestantism of London would have found itself quite as secure in a cathedral decorated with statues of good men, as in one hung round with bunches of ribston pippins. Birds.

'Why, we must draw Ribston Wood fust, I s'pose, replied Tom, 'and then on to Bradwell Grove, unless you thought well of tryin' Chesterton Common on the road, or 'Aye, aye, interrupted Waffles, 'I know all that; but what I want to know is, whether we can make sure of a run. We want to give this great metropolitan swell a benefit. You know who I mean?

The wild apples, celebrated by Thoreau, are mostly of her planting. She browses them down to be sure, but they are hers, and why should she not? What an individuality the apple-tree has, each variety being nearly as marked by its form as by its fruit. What a vigorous grower, for instance, is the Ribston pippin, an English apple.

"Show them in one by one," said Holmes. "The first who entered was a little Ribston pippin of a man, with ruddy cheeks and fluffy white side-whiskers. Holmes had drawn a letter from his pocket. "What name?" he asked. "James Lancaster." "I am sorry, Lancaster, but the berth is full. Here is half a sovereign for your trouble. Just step into this room and wait there for a few minutes."

She was always entirely at her ease with him, and prattled away quite simply of the life that seemed to him so inexpressibly hard and dreary. Only once had he interfered on her behalf at Ribston Hall, and then sorely against Meg's will.

Morton went in and out of the front door, breakfasted and dined at Ribston Hall, caught his bus at the North Gate and went daily to his meek little work. It is presumed that he lived on terms of affectionate intimacy with his wife, but no one who saw them together could have gathered this. Now Anthony Ross disliked his cousin Amelia.