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Justin allowed himself to be forced outside, where he waited at the top of the steps, wondering whether or not he could blip himself a coat if the wind got any colder. "Oh, but baby!" Rhonda squealed on the other end of the line. "I'm not supposed to say! I didn't want to give you those cigarettes! Denny told me to!" "Denny's in on this, too?!" "Oops," Rhonda muttered.

Her old one was gone, but a new one, wrapped in a red ribbon, was in its place. Had to be from Rhonda. "Oh great," Julia muttered. Do I take it or not? It's not exactly red roses or from someone I'd want roses from, so if I take them, am I sending a signal I don't want to send, or... The debate could have lasted longer on a better day, it would have, but this wasn't one of those days.

"Too?!" exclaimed Julia. "Well, let's see, Julia. You missed your shift yesterday without calling in..." "I did?" "You did. And that's the third time this month." "I can't believe I did it again!" "You did. And you don't have to tell me which novel you were reading. I don't need to know." He turned to Rhonda.

Only it'll be worse than Tranquil. Worse than Wisconsin!" "Arkansas?!" Rhonda shouted with disgust. "What's so bad about I mean, yes, Arkansas! Right in the middle of... of Hindsville! In Madison county. A dry county!" "Oh God, no!" Rhonda wailed. "Uncle Justin has the clipboard all ready... On the count of three? One, two..." "Stop! You win! It's Seltsam Way, the street behind the theater!"

Her imagination? or was there something in the space between them, around the building, wrapping tight around the theater doors, something that was just plain... wrong? For the first time in years, she desperately felt the need to talk to her Uncle Justin. Julia took a step back from Rhonda. Her friend's face suddenly fell, and she reached out to her as if to let her know everything was all right.

Rhonda, having flirted with all of the men in Tranquil, had started flirting with her. Seeing things that weren't there, or if they were there, things she didn't want to know anything about. Losing jobs, getting jobs. Being caught up in a world that she could barely make sense of, running by so quickly by that there was no chance to catch up.

Still giggling, they bought two tickets from a weary looking man wearing a jacket and a "Manager" tag. When they hit the concession stand to relieve their munchies, they found a sign that said: "Closed". "Aww!" Rhonda whined. "I was getting really hungry too!" "It's too bad I can't hop back there and get us some popcorn. I worked at a theater for two summers when I was in high school."

Rhonda muttered something and shifted into fourth, charging through the intersection of Central and Oak just as the light changed to red. When Julia finally unlocked her apartment door, she found Cecil and two messages on the machine waiting for her. Cecil purred and rubbed her shins with his head. She picked him up and pressed play on her answering machine.