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"At last," he said. "See, I have got it printed the great work which this ignorant English Judaism has left to moulder while it pays its stupid reverends thousands a year for wearing white ties." "And who paid for it now, Mr. Pinchas?" said the Rebbitzin. "Who? Wh-o-o?" stammered Melchitsedek. "Who but myself?" "But you say you are blood-poor." "True as the Law of Moses!

This action was confirmed at a State convention held in Wilmington September 29, 30. Among men and women not elsewhere mentioned who have been helpful to woman suffrage are Mrs. Mary T. Challenger, Lea Pusey, George B. Miller, Lewis W. Brosius, Mrs. J. R. Milligan; the Reverends Frederick A. Hinckley, Thomas P. Holloway, Adam Stengle, Alexander T. Bowser, Joel S. Gilfillan; Mrs.

We may conclude by expressing our thanks to our brother Lewis, as we do not think that Professor Gliddon's learned ignorance, would have ever met an equal but for "Light and Truth." Reverends D.A. Payne, M.M. Clark, and other learned colored gentlemen, agree with us in the disapproval of this book.

"They were all reverends," says a letter of the time, "and wanted somebody to rouse them." Science, too, progressed this year. We read of geological excursions to Shotover with Lord Carew and Lord Kildare one carrying the hammer and another the umbrella and actual discoveries of saurian remains; and many a merry meeting at Dr.

It was composed of the Reverends Alonzo Barnard and David Brainard Spencer, their wives and children. They came in canoes and in carts from Red and Cass lakes, Minnesota, where for ten years, they had labored as missionaries among the Chippewas. They removed to St.

Johnson was right when he said that the man who would make a pun would pick a pocket. Well; we all try to do the best we can for ourselves everybody else as well as undertakers. Burials may be expensive, but so is legal redress. So is spiritual provision; I mean the maintenance of all our reverends and right reverends.

Other speakers were Mayor Jesse M. Littleton, L. P. Barnes, Attorney J. J. Lynch, the Reverends Charles H. Myers, L. R. Robinson and Dr. Daniel E. Bushnell. The State Federation of Women's Clubs in convention at Pulaski voted down a suffrage resolution, though the president, Mrs. George W. Denney, favored it.

Lord Coningsby, who usually spoke in a passion, rose, and remarked, that "one of the right reverends had set himself forth as a prophet; but for his part, he did not know what prophet to liken him to, unless to that famous prophet Balaam, who was reproved by his own ass."

The other day I saw the Reverend Sinpeck hop a yard up into the air to impress a little snake that slid across his road. His contempt for anything that couldn't hop was so great that he threw away his pipe. And reverends, you know, cannot live without their pipes. I have known grasshoppers members of my own family who could hop to a height three hundred times their length. Now you're impressed.

But let me promise one thing; that if you think me too free, you must not let it run in your head that I am writing of your uncle, or of my mother; but of a couple of old lovers, no matter whom. Reverence is too apt to be forgotten by children, where the reverends forget first what belongs to their own characters. A grave remark, and therefore at your service, my dear.