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The greater part of the class was already present, as were Dr. Kitchell and Miss Brosius. Dr. Kitchell was in the front of the room. Upon Elizabeth's entrance, with a gesture of his hand, he waved her toward a seat in the middle row. It was not her accustomed place of sitting. She looked about her. There seemed to have been a general scattering.

John Welsh. Mr. Herbert Welsh has been for many years its leading spirit, and others who have done yeoman's service in the cause are the late Professor Painter, Mr. Brosius, and Mr. Matthew K. Sniffen. Its slogan was the same as that of the others: Education; Land in Severalty; Citizenship!

Why could not Miss Brosius leave until Miss Worden came in, and why did Dr. Kitchell stride up and down, up and down, never for an instant removing his keen eyes from the class before him? In the daily intercourse with her parents, she had asked questions freely. She did now as she would have done with them. As Dr.

The charge is true and I glory in its truth. Whoever achieved anything great in letters, art or arms who was not ambitious? Cæsar was not more ambitious than Cicero, it was only in another way. That's all I've learned. Miss Brosius went over so much with me that I would get into the spirit of the piece. I wish you might hear her read it!

"I am quite determined there shall be no cheating in my classes. My students will pass on their own merits or not at all." "And Miss Brosius then " she paused, not feeling confident enough of the situation to put her feelings into words. "Miss Brosius is here to assist me, and to see there is no copying, no cheating done in the class." Now Dr.

The rollers should be about nine inches in diameter, and set far enough apart to mash the berries, but not the seeds and stems. A very convenient apparatus, mill and press, is manufactured by Geiss & Brosius, Belleville, Ill., and where the quantity to be made does not exceed 2,000 gallons, it will answer every purpose.

Kitchell passed her desk, she spoke to him: "I could not help hearing what Miss Brosius said to you about leaving the room, and wondered what she meant." "It is impossible for me to see all the students. Unfortunately, I do not have eyes in the back of my head." Elizabeth met his glance with a look of surprise. Dr. Kitchell then spoke more plainly.

"There's something brewing," Miss Brosius said to Miss Watson as they quitted the dining-hall. "If I read the stars aright, Exeter Hall will be reformed before Dr. Morgan returns from the city." "She comes to-morrow." "Maybe. Reforms have started in less than twenty-four hours. The fuel has been ready for several years, waiting for someone to apply the match." "Who is doing that now?"

Some of the students were already packing to leave for the holidays; and after the midwinter examinations, no strict observance was paid to study hours. Miss Brosius heard the invitation and smiled. She was learning to know Miss Hobart. After the experience of the morning, she felt these summonses might be followed by a declaration of war.

It would be quite the same thing as though we were reviewing our lessons. Of course, we had no intention of handing them in." Landis always appeared several inches taller when she sought to justify herself. "The day we are free of German, that day will Miss Brosius put us to extra work in elocution and oratory.