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Bascom alone was summoned, by a nod, into the private office. What passed between them seems too sacred to write about. The Honourable Hilary would take one of the slips from the packet and give it to Mr. Bascom. "If that were recommended, editorially, to the Hull Mercury, it might serve to clear away certain misconceptions in that section. "Certain," Mr. Bascom would reply.

Legislation making provision for succession to the Presidency in the event of the death or incapacity or disqualification of the President and Vice President as recommended by me on June 19, 1945. Legislation for the unification of the armed services as recommended by me on December 19, 1945. Legislation for the domestic use and control of atomic energy as recommended by me on October 3, 1945.

But when I gave him his supper I told him I'd just have to tell my father, I was afraid; and he said he didn't have any father and he didn't know whether fathers wouldn't 'snitch, and I said my father wouldn't." "I see," said Mr. Bunker gravely. "You recommended me as being a safe person to trust a secret with. I am glad you did so." "Yes, sir.

The captain, therefore, recommended me to take possession of a pretty good house near his own, whose owner was not expected for some weeks; and as I was anxious to be on shore, I immediately had it cleared out, and by evening had all my things housed, and was regularly installed as an inhabitant of Dobbo.

Reverend and Dear Sir: Having seen an advertisment for a school mistress in the Daily Times, I have been recommended to offer myself as a candidate. Will you kindly favor me with a testimonial as to my character, ability and conduct while at Boston Normal School? Should you consider that I am fitted for the position, you would confer a great favor on me if you would interest yourself in my behalf.

The diagnosis is established by the recognition of the bacillus. Veterinary surgeons attach great importance to the mallein test as a means of diagnosis in animals, but in the human subject its use is attended with considerable risk and is not to be recommended. Treatment.

But, on the reason for his taking his seat being pointed out, Davis was recommended for promotion. In countersigning the papers entitling him to the rank of gunner, at a thousand a year for life, the President mock-solemnly observed: "Metaphorically, we occupy the same position; we are sitting on the powder under fire!" Ex-Registrar Chittenden tells the following incident.

This report recommended, first, that those great principles of the constitution which had been violated by the dethroned King should be solemnly asserted, and, secondly, that many new laws should be enacted, for the purpose of curbing the prerogative and purifying the administration of justice.

The pastor read a chapter; and when, after a time of silence, the way opened for communication, it was like casting seed into prepared ground, and the retirement of spirit before the Lord which we recommended seemed really to be experienced before we separated; it was a silence to be felt better than expressed.

The general expressions which he had previously used in favor of broths and mild treatment hardly tallied with the severe amputation thus recommended. There was, in truth, a constant struggle going on between the fierceness of his inclinations and the shackles which had been imposed upon him.