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It was Kilmary, who had sometime back enlisted into the dragoons. Captain Walladmor opened the door; and passed out closely followed by the dragoon. Then, reclosing the door, he descended safely with his companion, through all the numerous impediments of bolts and bars, to the picture-gallery.

Throwing open the door, he ushered in his captive and the dog, entering behind them and reclosing the heavy door. In the room, round a table, sat several persons all men except one. The exception was the girl whose collie had had the bench next to Chum's. At the table head, looking very magisterial indeed, sat Colonel Marden. Beside him lounged a larger and older man in a plaid sport suit.

"Yes," he said, reclosing the box, and pacing somberly to the door to greet a new arrival. "Did you ever in all your life," said Denise Ryland, glancing about her, "see such an exhibition... of nightmares?"

"My suspicions were aroused at the very moment of Sir Baldwin's departure, for as I came out onto the steps with him I noticed a singular thing." "And that was?" snapped Smith. "Directly Sir Baldwin had entered the cab the woman got out," replied Logan with some excitement in his manner, "and reclosing the door took her seat beside the driver of the vehicle which immediately moved off."

The reclosing of the safe and the removing of the hashish tabloids, leaving no clew beyond the delirious ravings of a drug slave for so anyone unacquainted with the East must have construed West's story is particularly characteristic. His own tabloids were returned, of course. The sparing of his life alone is a refinement of art which points to a past master." "Karamaneh was the decoy again?"

Taking up a brazen lamp that burnt in a niche within it, the Hebrew paused impatiently till the feeble steps of the old man reached the spot; and then, reclosing the grate, pursued his winding way for a considerable distance, till he stopped suddenly by a part of the rock which seemed in no respect different from the rest: and so artfully contrived and concealed was the door which he now opened, and so suddenly did it yield to his hand, that it appeared literally the effect of enchantment, when the rock yawned, and discovered a circular cavern, lighted with brazen lamps, and spread with hangings and cushions of thick furs.

I returned to the room, reclosing the door behind me, then for some five minutes or more I stood listening for a repetition of that mysterious sound, as of something that both dragged and tapped, which already had arrested my attention. My vigilance went unrewarded.

"I have heard of it," interjected Malpas "on the Rue St. Claude?" "That indeed is its situation," replied the other with surprise. "You know someone who is a member?" Sir Brian Malpas hesitated for ten seconds or more; then, crossing the room and reclosing the window, he turned, facing his visitor across the large room.

Opening and reclosing the door with caution, he hastened to the room, which, owing to his years and long and faithful services, had been set apart for the accommodation of the old man when on shore.

Well, as we threw back the outer shutters, the radiant glory of the sky poured into the room like a flood of transparent gold and almost dazzled us, so that I fancied the sudden brilliancy would be too much for his feeble sight, and I leaned hastily forward with the intention of partly reclosing the blinds.