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Read's daughter's name. Her grave, alongside Franklin's, in Philadelphia, has been a place of much pilgrimage these many years. One of the letters of Mrs. Franklin that has survived may be given here in illustration of her limited education. It was addrest to Franklin while he was in England, being dated "October ye 11, 1770": "My dear Child: the bairer of this is the Son of Dr.

J. Scott, Exchange Alley; W. Owen, Temple Bar; G. Woodfall, Charing Cross. Broadside. Execution of Miss Blandy. Pitts, Printer, Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6 Great St. Andrew's St., Seven Dials. Brit. Mus. The Addl. Manuscript Department in the Brit. Mus. Read's Weekly Journal, March and April , February 3 . The General Advertiser, August-November , March and April .

In passing sentence the judge "expatiated on the prevalence of the crime of horse-stealing and the necessity of making an example. The enormity of Read's crime rendered him a proper example, and he would therefore hold out no hope of mercy towards him."

The enormity of Read's crime rendered him a proper example, and he would therefore hold out no hope of mercy towards him. As to the plea of guilty, he remarked that nowadays too many persons pleaded guilty, deluded with the hope that it would be taken into consideration and they would escape the severer penalty.

During his master's life the apprentice had boasted of the great deeds he would do when he had served his time. Roubiliac cried scornfully, in his broken English: 'Ven you do de monument, den de vorld vill see vot von d d ting you vill make of it! His words were justified by Read's monument to Admiral Tyrrell: possibly the most execrable work in stone in existence; which is saying a good deal.

However, it was true that Read's escape did alarm the country, and that he merited very well of the public for the timely discovery he made, so he came off clear as indeed it was but just, for he was not only forced to serve them, but as Dobson testified for him, he had often expressed his uneasiness at being obliged to act with them, and that he wished he could get away, and he was sincere in those wishes, as appeared by his taking the first opportunity he could get to put it in practice.

Read's, the father of the young lady who stood in the door when he passed on the aforesaid Sunday morning with a roll of bread under each arm. His appearance was much improved by this time, so that even Miss Read saw that he was an intelligent promising young man. We learn one or two things about Benjamin from the foregoing, which the reader may ponder with benefit to himself.

They have nothing to do with one another, nor with Washington, nor with any great purpose which all are to work out together. March 14th. On Friday evening I dined at Mr. T. B. Read's, the poet and artist, with a party composed of painters and sculptors, the only exceptions being the American banker and an American tourist who has given Mr. Read a commission. Next to me at table sat Mr.

Her childhood was close enough to the Revolution to make Grandfather Read's part in it very real and a source of great pride.

The city of Dunkirk presented a beautiful wreath of flowers. "Nothing," wrote Ensign Artemus Gates, captain-elect of Yale's 1917 football eleven, and a comrade of Read's in France, to the young officer's mother, "could be more impressive than to see a French general, an admiral, British staff-officers, and many other officers of the two nations paying homage."

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