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No marks on it, like there was on the other," he said, referring to the time one of the irons from Double Z had been found on the range of the boy ranchers. "But we brought it along, anyhow," and he exhibited a broken and charred piece of wood. "But we found more than that," he continued. "We found one steer they'd killed, for beef likely, after they'd blurred th' brand. There wasn't much left.

"We must raise feed for our steers, fatten them in fenced pastures, and ship them more quickly." "My goodness!" exclaimed Pratt, admiringly, "you talk as though you understood all about it, Miss Frances." "I think I do know something about the new conditions that face us ranchers of the Panhandle," the girl said, quietly.

As it is, I'm commissioned to make it hot for the ranchers that killed those dagoes, and I'm going to do it. If this country had a man like Cavanagh for sheriff, we'd have the murderers in two days. He knows who the butchers are, and I'd like his help; but he's nailed down here, and there's no hope of his getting away. A few men like him could civilize this cursed country."

It was plain that Anderson made a great effort at restraint. But he failed. And perhaps the realization that he could not kill this man liberated his passion. Then the two big ranchers faced each other Neuman livid and shaking, Anderson black as a thunder-cloud. "Neuman, you hatched up a plot with Glidden to kill me," said Anderson, bitterly. Neuman, in hoarse, brief answer, denied it. "Sure!

Fortunately for the thief the sheriff happened to be in the neighborhood. He had rescued the captured waddy from the hands of the incensed ranchers and brought him straight to Live-Oaks. The rustler was frightened. There had been a bad quarter of an hour when it looked as though he might be the central figure in a lynching. Even after this danger had been weathered, the outlook was full of gloom.

"It's good for him occasionally, and he had been sending me flour we couldn't use lately." Miss Deringham nodded, though she was quite aware that the storekeeper was scarcely likely to supply axemen and ranchers, whose tastes were simple and dollars scarce, with what she guessed by its bouquet was the finest product of Costa Rica.

"Twenty-five miles west and south is Loon Lake, the centre of your field, where it is best that you should live, if you can; and then further away up toward the Pass they tell me there is a queer kind of ungodly settlement ranchers, freighters, whisky-runners, cattle thieves, miners, almost anything you can name. You'll have to do some exploration work there." "Prospecting, eh?" said Shock.

Not a muscle of his body appeared to move; he was as motionless as the trunk of a tree. But in his eyes and his voice there was, as one of the ranchers said afterwards, "Hell and then some more." "Listen to me," he said again, and his voice was low and husky now. "Yesterday I was broncho-busting "

"The Rangers have a reputation in that line," he admitted. "But there is stealing all up and down the border, since the war. You lost any stuff?" "Yes. Mostly horses." "Sure! They need horses in Mexico." "The ranchers have organized. They have formed a sort of vigilance committee in each town, and talk of using bloodhounds." "Bloodhounds ain't any good, outside of novels.

"Oh, your father looks like you," was the easy answer, given with a laugh, in which Snake, Yellin' Kid and the boy ranchers joined. "When he said he didn't need any riders, adding that perhaps you might, I decided to take a chance." "All right. I can use another hand or, rather, we can," and Bud waved his hand toward his cousins.