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Oh, hang it, I'm all in." And Bost sat down in the road. A hundred yards on we noticed Ole slacken speed. "It's sinking through his skull," said Harris eagerly. In another minute he had stopped. We picked up Bost again and ran up to him. He surveyed us long and critically. "Das ban qveer masheen," he said finally. "Aye tenk Aye lak Aye skoll be riding back in it.

Stefan, returning, was hailed at the door of the store by Sophy McGurn. "Who's the strange lady, Stefan?" she asked, most innocently. "It's a leddy vhat is expectin' Hugo Ennis," he answered. "How queer!" said the girl, airily. "Ay dunno," answered the Swede. "Vhen Hugo he do a thing it ain't nefer qveer, Ay tank." She turned away and Stefan stepped over to the depot and opened the door.

"Haven't swallowed much water, I hope?" "No, no," said Winklemann faintly; "mine lunks, I do tink, are free of vatter, but mine lecks are stranchly qveer. I hav no lecks at all! 'Pears as if I vas stop short at zee vaist!" Herr Winklemann said no more, but was swiftly borne, in a state of semi-consciousness, to his friends on the Little Mountain.

Efery body loaf you, you loaf nobody, and vhen a man say 'You air charmante, you say 'Vill ve feeshe to-day? If a man say 'You haf eyes wie die Sternen im Himmel' you ask 'Hear you dthose bells of San Blas? and vhen a man say 'I loaf you to deestraction' you tell him 'I do so like dthose qveer Megsican Eendians." The Baron strikes the pavement violently with his stick.

"Vill you marry von qveer Megsican Eendian, Señorita?" I laugh at the funny conclusion and the Peruvian's excited face. "Monsieur," I say, "I'm told that nearly every man says 'I love you' to an average of eighteen women in a lifetime; he perhaps really cares at various times for three, and the rest do well to let the mistake pass unchallenged and soon forgotten.