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It niver fluctuates; an' that's funny, too, seein' that so much iv it goes down. It was th' same price fifteen cints a slug, two f'r a quarther durin' the war; an' it was th' same price afther the war. The day befure th' crime iv sivinty-three it was worth fifteen cints: it was worth th' same th' day afther.

There ar-re twinty thousan' Rooshian Jews at a quarther a vote in th' Sivinth Ward; an', ar-rmed with rag hooks, they'd be a tur-rble thing f'r anny inimy iv th' Anglo-Saxon 'lieance to face. Th' Bohemians an' Pole Anglo-Saxons may be a little slow in wakin' up to what th' pa-apers calls our common hurtage, but ye may be sure they'll be all r-right whin they're called on.

"Besides," says he, "there's more reasons to prevent you: the first is this," pointing to his sword; "here are two more" and these were pistols; "and the last and the best of all is, that you might hang me and dthraw me and quarther me, an yet never see so much as the tip of your son's nose again. Look you, sir, we run mighty risks in our profession it's not all play, I can tell you.

For nobody would thrust thim wid the cash. Yes, wid ninepence a day and thirteen shillings and sixpence a week, I'm comfortable enough. But begorra, the pump leaks, an' I have to pump a quarther more than I should. Av the pump worked right 'tis little grumblin' ye'd hear from Luke Whelan." Mr.

"I'm not at liberty," said Poll, "but this I can tell you, it's threatening you, and it comes from a quarther where you'd never look for it." Mary, who was neither timid nor surprised, smiled with the confidence of innocence, and replied, after a short pause of thought

"I'll tell your Reverence in a jiffy I ought to have a ten shillin', barring the price of a quarther o' tobaccy that I bought at the crass-roads boyant. Nine shillins an' somo hapuns, yer Reverence." "Very good, Pether, you must hand me the silver, till I give the rest of the illustration wid it." "But does your Reverence mind another ould proverb?

I am morally convinced, ay, and have good raison to know it from more than one quarther, that your father's house would have been attacked long since, if it were not for the near neighborhood of dare-devil O'Driscol. And yet these fellows like courage, Alick; for instance, read that warning.