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"Oh, Mawiquita, so glad you have come! Mother is so busy that she can't be with me at all, and these wretched bwanches pwick my fingers! Do look wound, and say how it looks! This is weally the servants' hall, you know, as we have not a pwoper ballroom, and it is so square and high that it is perfectly dweadful to decowate! A long, narrow woom is so much better!"

Both bow and arrow must be a secret, for if anyone saw her with them it might enter into the head of that person not to consider it quite proper for her to punish Aunt Jane. "And Aunt Jane must be punished," muttered Diana. "I must make an arrow, and I must pwick her with it. My bow is weally beautiful it is a little crooked, but what do that matter?

They is to pwick our enemies and p'w'aps kill 'em." "But look here, Diana, what do you want this special bow and arrow for?" "I want to have Aunt Jane Dolman and Simpson shotted. I'll tell you why I want 'em both to be shotted 'cos Simpson killed my spiders and beetles, and Aunt Jane Dolman is a poky old thing and she shut me up in a punishment woom.

I could shoot my arrow now and pwick the twees, if only I could get one made. Oh, here's a darlin' little stick it would make a lovely arrow, if I had a knife to sharpen the point with. Now, I do wonder what sort of a woman that Miss Wamsay is." Diana fixed her coal-black eyes on the lady. "She looks sort of gentle now she's weading," whispered the little girl to herself.

"I want to have our enemies shotted wight off." "Do you mean to tell me," said Apollo, laughing, "that you wish to shoot Aunt Jane and that old woman in the nursery?" "I wish to pwick 'em first time, and then, if they is naughty again, to have 'em shotted down dead. Why not? Mother, who is up in the heavens, called me after gweat Diana, and Diana always shotted her enemies." "Oh, dear me, Di!

If Miss Wamsay hates Aunt Jane, why, course, she'll help me to sharpen my arrow, when I tell her it is to give Aunt Jane a little pwick." Accordingly Diana approached Miss Ramsay's side, and, as the governess did not look up, she flung herself on the grass near by, uttering a deep sigh as she did so.

He showed her how to place the arrow, and she made one or two valiant attempts to send it flying through the wood. "It is hard," she panted; "the arrow don't seem even to make the least little pwick. Now, I want to shoot stwaight at that oak twee, or would you mind awfu', Apollo, if I was to shoot at you?" "All right," replied Apollo; "you may aim at my hand, if you like."

First time I's only going to punish 'em, I isn't going to kill 'em down dead, but I's going to pwick 'em. I is Diana, and mother said I was to live just like the gweat Diana what lived long, long, long ago." Diana began to trot eagerly up and down under the shade of the tall forest trees.

And will you cut an arrow for me, and will you make it very sharp? Will you make it awfu' sharp? The kind that would pwick deep, you know, that would cut into things and be like the arrow that the gweat Diana used." Apollo was finding his afternoon somewhat dull. He had made no friends as yet with the little Dolman children.